Basically, they outscalped the scalpers…
Basically, they outscalped the scalpers…
In EU basically the retailers were using on the fly price adjustment to gauge their own customers. There were several models at MSRP but all models that were AIB OC versions started at 749-799€ and were dynamically adjusted upwards. I know personally of several cases where people bought and were charged for the early cheaper price and the etailer cancelled their order to fulfill 100€ more expensive prices they were practicing post hoc. We need to amend legislation to make any sale binding from the moment you’re charged any amount. In CZ the seller Alza was doing this.
At least there you know there’s a brain somewhere
And is housed in a 3D printed graphene encasing
Has this guy ever used an Xperia phone? That standard has been around since the Xperia I mk I
Capitalism is the breeding ground of parasitism. The incentive structures needs to change. Good corporate governance and long term sustainability need to trump short term turnover and fiduciary role to always go up. As it exists, corporate incentive structures promote leadership by psychopaths that will go to the utmost consequence to drive the last cent out of their customers. This is especially true in the US, which by virtue of competition, metastasises to the entire western world.
Someone’s nephew had a “genius idea” and uncle decided to invest throwing stock holder money in the fire because he can…
Translation: An AI would allow me to maybe have an echo chamber since human moderators won’t work for me for free.
Exactly, paperclip…
“They’re doing what was previously thought to be impossible”
DCXA (am I a joke to you)
Elmo fanboy detected.
Nobody thought it was impossible, everyone with half a brain understands the math of launching rockets and figured out recoverable VTOLs don’t save that much money compared to traditional launches. Space X has pentagon contracts that allow them to practice dumping in the launch market. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not being honest to themselves.
To think we lost Aaron Swartz and this shitstain and Huffman are still with us. I don’t believe in the supernatural but this kind of shit makes a good case for the existence of a devil.
Sex, gender, sexual orientation, skin colour are red herrings used to distract the people from the fact they have a boot on their neck. The replies to my comment are yet another evidence people are OK licking the boot as long as the party is “insert preference here”. The problem is not particular to any of the aforementioned classes, the problem is the incentive structure is broken and the fiduciary duty is enshrined in law rather than good governance and long term sustainability. Firefox is just another evidence that cheerleading for a CEO because of intrinsic characteristics is a folly.
I can’t respect anyone saying spaceX is in a category of their own. Not only have they merely replicated what MDouglas did already in the 90s, their costs are wholly subsidised by the US government in an attempt to become relevant in space launches again rather than subcontracting launches from ESA or Russia. Remove the subsidies and it’s far cheaper to use Arianne for the launches than any of the falcons. It’s the US usual playbook: If you can’t compete, claim national defense and subsidise to the wazoo against WTO rules.
Before anyone forgets, this all started with Tesla. They lacked the skill, talent, know how, money and manufacturing capacity to make a decent center console. They then decided to move everything to the touchscreen because software is cheap to add to cars, thousands of small precision engineered objects are not. It was a margins game by the man “with the most knowledge on manufacturing in the world”. The rest of the industry followed because the bougie idiots made the brand so popular “they could not be doing something wrong, right?”. Queue the competitors copying that absolutely regarded idea. Everyone calling this regarded, was screamed into oblivion by tesla fanboys and design savants: “You’re just too dumb to understand minimalist design”. And here we are, turns out designing something that makes the driver take their eyes off the road on a 2000Kg murder machine is actually NOT good design.
I love the us americans in this thread, chest thumping “muh guns for freedom, there’s nazis in government”. M8, where the fuck were you and your guns before they reached the government?
Shit, if anything, we’ve seen how useless you shitheads are with a gun, an ear lobe is not a vital organ. The fucking most armed nation on earth and the average guy doesn’t know the nr 1 rule of shooting someone from a distance: “YOU AIM FOR THE BIGGEST TARGET YOU CAN GET, NOT THE HEAD”
Women CEOs are as shit as Male CEOs. Who would have thunk the war of the sexes was a cause dangled in front of the bougies so the elite could parasitise free from fear of popular revolt huh?
Go Luigi.
Ah yes, typical MS handling acquisitions. What a cancer of a company, metastasising everywhere and as much as you want to get better, it just won’t dissappear. Antitrust oversight is a joke…
US americans trying to cash in on discontent with buzzwords like AI and trying to steal the thunder of actual worthy alternatives like lemmy. The fact Ohanian is part of the founders immediately places it into the shit tier bucket for me.