The Residents of the United States of America
1 Pilots
Teach Boys
Net Shop Boys
Temple of the Log
4 Nun Blondes
0 Unlimited
Simply Rod
The Sax Pistols
Space Girls
Procul Warum
The Orfspring
Damn, a LOT of really old and/or bad bands there 😄
Dammit, i was gonna do that one!
Alternative: Earl Jam
Yes. undoes edit 😁
“Carl’s hurting, inverted clavicle”, actually.
Hyperlinks are typically blue and underlined. Until you click/tap them, at which point they turn purple.
I think you accidentally posted this in the wrong community. ! is the one you’re looking for.
“To the floor/ground” would also be acceptable IMO…
Either that or he tripped the proximity sensor floodlights again 😄
It’s actually a laundry storage facility.
And that is why it’s called a checking account. It’s only there for checking.
“Critics” have apparently been sleeping since the sixties if they’re just noticing now…
Yeah, “demonstrably” or “obnoxiously” would probably be much more accurate…
Ooh, that’s the best one! 😄