My wife grew up on a farm and her description of how nasty cleaning out the chicken coup is is enough to put me off ever considering keeping any kind of birds
My wife grew up on a farm and her description of how nasty cleaning out the chicken coup is is enough to put me off ever considering keeping any kind of birds
He’s in jail but millions of people who are inspired by him are roaming free, any of which could become the next Luigi, and wack some CEO
Let’s be real, all it takes is one person struck by tragedy who no longer has anything to live for choosing to go out this way rather than going quietly. Maybe their kid was killed in the nth school shooting of the year. Maybe they’re dying of cancer due to delayed treatment. Maybe they’re financially ruined by medical debt. Like you said Luigi reminded people of what is possible, and there’s plenty of tragedies that can be correctly attributed to the choices of the rich that happen every day
Honestly asking: what other way would anyone suggest to bring back outsourced manufacturing jobs?
The bigger question is “do Americans actually want these jobs?” According to the JOLTS surveys for the last several quarters there’s about 100,000 open manufacturing jobs that are not getting filled, in a labor market sized about 500,000. Simply put, it’s abundantly clear that people don’t want the manufacturong jobs that do exist
I also saw this from the inside when I worked my last job with a company that does contract cleaning services for industrial facilities. Nobody wants to work industrial sanitation, and they end up primarily hiring immigrants and ex-convicts as they’re the only people desperate enough to take these industrial sanitation jobs. And it’s not for lack of pay or benefits, the fact is the nature of the work sucks!
He’s started adding exemptions. He just added one for the automotive industry following discussions with the big three auto makers. What if the tariffs were a grift all along? I’ll
This is exactly what they were the last time around. They poked so many holes in that tarrif policy it was a seive
That’s more than I can afford to be donating right now
First time my 3 year old saw The Lego Movie he got very upset at the part where they were falling at the end of the Wild West scene
Lately I’ve been replaying the campaign in Railroad Tycoon 2 (available for a just few bucks on GOG) and I’ve had just as much enjoyment as playing a full priced modern title. Granted it’s got pretty timeless 2d(ish) graphics and a studio recorded bluegrass soundtrack at a time when most games just opted for midi soundtracks. It’s even got a complete stock market simulation where every action you take affects your company’s stock value, and you as an individual can manipulate the market to benefit your company and vice versa. I’ve had particular enjoyment by personally selling a bunch of stocks to artificially depress the value of another company right before attempting a merger. That and trying to survive margin calls without being forced to sell my 90% stake in every single railroad company that inevitably tanks the value of every single railroad in the game
Pretty dang good for a nearly 30 year old game!
Are you trying to tell me that this doesn’t look amazing? Look at those lovely hills and fjords! I think I even see a fox poking it’s head out
The client was, so I ran the command for them to format the full 128GB as FAT32
I have a client that does HVAC work who needed help preparing a 128GB flash drive for loading firmware onto high end thermostats. Quickly ran the command to format as FAT32 because that’s what the thermostats require (and he indicated the firmware files would exceed the 32GB limit in the GUI)
My interpretation is less about pandering to the perceived majority and more about avoiding drawing negative attention from the Trump/Musk administration which is clearly very petty and very receptive to virtue signals. Do they kiss the ring? They get special treatment. Do they do something perfectly within their rights that Trump doesn’t like? He’ll find some way to make them hurt for it and take whatever concessions they offer to avoid being hurt
This one’s my favorite
So with datacenter GPUs (excellerators is the more accurate term, honestly), historically they were the exact same architecture as nVidia’s gaming GPUs (usually about half to a full generation behind. But in the last 5 years or so they’ve moved to their own dedicated architectures.
But more to your question, the actual silicon that got etched and burned into these datacenter GPUs could’ve been used for anything. Could’ve become cellular modems, networking ASICs, SDR controllers, mobile SOCs, etc. etc. but more importantly these high dollar data center GPUs are usually produced on the newest, most expensive process nodes so the only hardware that would be produced would be similarly high dollar, and not like basic logic controllers used in dollar store junk
When my child started holding her breath when tantruming the doctor made sure to tell us not to worry and that if they manage to hold their breath until they pass out they’ll start breathing as soon as they go unconscious. Kids are wild
Sounds like you’re describing pure HTML5
JavaScript partially took off due to HTML’s limited functionality at the time. This was also around the time that web media was becoming really big, which before HTML5 it wasn’t easy to integrate into a webpage without turning to extra libraries or extensions
Edge is actually pretty decent. Native vertical tabs, M365 SSO integration, native multiple profiles with quick switching, preinstalled on your work computer and will work with anything that “only works in chrome”
Obviously this is ignoring the obvious downsides such as assisting Microsoft’s search, browser and platform monopolies, tracking data sent to Microsoft, etc. etc.
A moderately competent Windows admin with a single Windows Server can make ten thousand Windows workstations work seamlessley in fifty countries, twenty data protection doctrines and ten languages with hundreds of customisations, tweaks, automations and deployments tailored to each combination of device/user/location
Not to mention that single Windows admin is paid less and a more common skill set than a more specialized skill set like Linux administrators. Paying $10k per year in licensing but saving $40k in payroll is still a net $30k savings.
And if you’re hiring in a rural area specialized skillsets tend to not exist so you open yourself up to new risks of not being able to hire a replacement if needed by building something less standard
Firefox also has SSO integration with M365! Last I tested it it was less clean than Microsoft’s but it does exist and work the last time I used it
Edit: just tested on a fresh install of Firefox and it worked perfectly. Checked the checkbox under Settings>Privacy and Security for “Allow Windows single sign-in for Microsoft, work, and school accounts” then navigated to my and it immediately signed me in (and appeared to be faster than on Edge‽)
Men who have sex with men are trying to quash news about Luigi?