Hold on, the USA just fired the EPA, let’s not get any hopes up.
Hold on, the USA just fired the EPA, let’s not get any hopes up.
Patsy, Fall guy, rube
So you are saying a Gay dropped the atomic bomb and won the war? Holy shit no wonder they want it wiped from history, they hate the gays.
Yes such a shame
You really should, it’s the best of all the JP movies. If you can look past the bad fake scientific and technology dumbing down movie magic.
But not the onion:
Republicans’ worst fears have come to light as a drug addicted, crime peddling immigrant with 14 children has attempted to steal or destroy thousands of American Jobs.
I buy a 5 gallon bucket of honey once every 6ish years. It’s one of the only sweeteners my wife can have so we use it in everything that needs a sweeter taste. I fill small 20oz jars with it and seal the bucket back up. It’s a good investment because you can get it much much cheaper. I buy mine from Sleeping bear farms in Michigan.
Been using it for awhile now. Do we have a way to use our phones as the play yet? I want to be able to listen on my phone with headphones or even in my car with Android Auto. I would love to be able to delete my Spotify app. I still use the service because the radio feature is still much better than MA. But once I can do everything that Spotify can be I can cancel my Spotify account.
So it’s a recruiter for a contractor company? They sometimes get bonuses if they fill the position within a certain time so it might be why they are so pushy. Also recruiters are working against other agencies so they will be super pushy or if it sounds like you are not on board they will just drop the conversation and move to another mark.
I wish someone would try the cheque one with me. I would cash it and keep it. I know usually the money gets pulled back but would be fun for a few minutes.
Toolio, Boolio, Woolio
Sounds about right, corpo streaming is shit. DRM has always been a worse experience than pirating.
Well VW is still around. Maybe Teslas will be classic cars in 80 years.
/s: They will all self immolate.
American cheese used to cost more than eggs. Now cheese is 10x cheaper than eggs. New throwables just dropped.
I don’t print that often but I do have a calendar event to tell me to print something monthly. This could be a nice side project for someone to write a program that sends a print to your printer on a schedule to keep the heads clear. Wastes paper but at least the heads won’t dry out.
I think the attempted murder charge would fall on whoever installed the bomb and rigged up the button or the one instructing the person that if they press the button the person will die. The button presser may get away with it with the argument they were under duress.
Requires 5 years of experience in an entry level position.
If everyone has it then it would be the purge everyday as everyone will be keeping in RAM the fact they are in a time loop, and dieing does not matter.
I brows Lemmy by all and then I filter out the communities I don’t want to see. This lets me see the new communities that pop up and decided if I want to sub to them. I have around 300 blocked.