Mayo obviously
Mayo obviously
After Cain killed Abel god said not to kill Cain
Reddit sets the threshold for violent content really low. At one point someone asked if a prisoner who is medically revived from the dead has served their life sentence, I answered that you have to be irrevocably dead, and admins said that promoted or glorified violence. I made no mention of violence whatsoever, nothing I said encouraged violence in any way, and somehow even on appeal they didn’t realize how ridiculous that was.
They check if you are on NICS, which is a list of people who can’t have guns no matter the reason: felonies, misdemeanor domestic violence, involuntary commitment, renounced citizenship, dishonorable discharge, protective orders, etc.
Uses the same commands as Linux
Bullet by Hollywood undead
He doesn’t love her as much as he would a worm.
Avalanche goal horn
You don’t stack the 100 pillows you make a nest out of them.
My car has two clocks and one automatically changes (I assume CarPlay) and the other has a setting that turn dst on or off.