I still can’t believe Amazon got away with it.
I still can’t believe Amazon got away with it.
I boycott Amazon years ago already, when a warehouse of people died because employees were told that the government’s tornado warning was just hyperbole.
Amazon is an evil company that treats its workers like garbage, and practices some of the most vile anti-union practices.
I cancelled my Amazon Prime account and never bought a single item through Amazon anymore. I don’t buy anything from Temu either, by the way.
Canada is already going to trade more with us in Europe.
The only way it’s going to die down is if it gets replaced with the next tech bro buzzword.
The previous one was “smart”, and it stuck around for a very long time.
I going to padentic here, but the guy’s name was Julius. Cesar was his title. We’ve also had other Cesars, like Augustus and Trajanus. And since the salad isn’t called “Julius Salad…”
Yeah… You know, there is something being said here, but you’re completely missing the point.
Let me put it another way; the cop is Goliath, symbolically. A big, giant, well armed brute that beats down on a minority. Get it now?
They either had rich parents with rich connections, or had incredibly loyal, highly skilled friends, like Jobs had Wozniak.
Good gods! What happened to Hungary!?
The Bionicle subreddit is very active, but there is no active alternative on Lemmy.