If buying a new video card made me money, yes.
This doesn’t really work, because the goal when you buy a video card isn’t to have the most possible processing power ever and playing video games doesn’t scale linearly so having an additional card doesn’t add anything.
If I was mining crypto, or selling GPU compute (which is basically what ai companies are doing) and the existing card got an update that made it perform on par with new cards, I would buy out the existing cards and when there are no more, I would buy up the newer cards, they are both generating revenue still.
Is this still true, it was my understanding that you need a visa from the onset as of last year, also, I am pretty sure it’s 90 days not 180.
Edit: I went ahead and looked it up: https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/policies/schengen/visa-policy/applying-schengen-visa_en
The United States is on the list of countries that need a Schengen visa and it is 90 days.