I love me some MakeMKV and Linux……sucks it’s in Russia. Oh well, thanks Mike!
I love me some MakeMKV and Linux……sucks it’s in Russia. Oh well, thanks Mike!
Good job Pinterest, another reason for us to dunk on you.
Also was on the sunset strip!!
Damn he’s old….
……looks in mirror……
Damn he’s old too……
It was DNS <3
I appreciate the motivation. Thanks!
I also like to mess around so more and more docker seems like at least an ok idea if not a good idea.
I had a pair of v5 with unbound setup, and ran the pihole -up and it went down lol. Dunno what happened, but i reinstalled and it’s all good.
I only run the basic block list, so I am thinking more and more to setup docker on my main server and move my pihole, pyvpn and grafana there and free up my raspi.
I have been messing around with a raspi and nmcli to create a WAP out of it. Runs WireGuard back home. Win win.
ITT: lots of busted pihole v6 updates
Finally got started with Grafana, Prometheus and Meshtastic.
Unbound broke on both of mine day one of v6 and I’ve still not gone and fixed it. Sigh.
You should never feel guilty about pirating anything.
Does this Christian character get made fun of all the time for being out of touch with reality? Is this why Kathleen is out, too much jesus? lol, probably not.
I wanted to add:
Asking for my autism /s
But was scared lol.
If we got the vaccine as a kid, we’re good to go, right?
I’m ready for Linux Phone. No more of this big tech bullshit.
Gimme Linux phone, I’m ready for it.
Obi-Wan meme: That’s why I’m here