I think the term is “pipeweed”
I think the term is “pipeweed”
I learned this from the paw patrol copaganda video on youtube, which does site sources, so you can go from there.
To elaborate for anyone reading this who doesn’t know:
Dogs are really good at noticing emotion in humans, better than they are at noticing the scent of contraband. When an officer wants a dog to alert, the dog picks up on it and alerts, even when there’s nothing there.
There was even a study where they would have a dog try to find out which packages had drugs in. When the officer was fooled, the dog was significantly more likely to be fooled too than when trying to fool only the dog. The officers responded by refusing to continue the experiment.
You clearly didn’t watch the Netflix adaptation where they answer that question.
Sugar. (Technically, it was the antidote in sugar form, so yes)
“You’re gay because you like men. I’m gay because I hate women.”