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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Naw, Inglorious Basterds makes a pretty strong case for branding the fuckers.

    I’ve also noticed there’s a disconnect in people who act like Nazis in actually recognizing their own actions as such. Show them a swastika or something blatant like that and their knee-jerk is to see it as adversarial, but they don’t connect the dots between Nazism and figures like Elon Musk - to the contrary, they fucking love that evil piece of shit.

    Forcing them to draw that connection by marking Musk’s products with Nazi iconography may finally fire off that neglected single neuron in charge of introspection: and that would be therapeutic for everyone.

  • Here’s the specific stuff I’m familiar with:



    99% of the cases that use bone cement I’ve been in, in all of the hospitals I’ve worked at, have used that specific product. With the exception of a shoulder surgeon I worked with who liked this goopy blue shit that got everywhere.

    In any case, that stuff is, uh… pungent. Like even when I’m not in the ortho room, if I want to check on how far along their case is, I don’t even need to actually look in the OR - getting near the room is enough to tell me whether or not the implants are in, indicated by the presence or absence of that smell within about 15-feet of each entrance to that OR.

    Pregnant or not, I can’t imagine breathing that shit every day is doing us any favors. >_>

    …and that’s ignoring electrocautery smoke, radiation, and all the biohazardous shit we’re exposed to in there. I swear in 10 years we’re going to be featured in cautionary training videos about what happens when you don’t use whatever latest-and-greatest technique is being pitched to keep that shit out of our lungs.

  • surgical glues, which I would imagine would be safe® on your skin

    Not necessarily. Some of the stuff we use in surgery is toxic as fuck. Like, in cases that use bone cement, any staff in the room who happen to be pregnant are required to leave the room once we get to that part of the case because just breathing in the fumes from that shit can fuck up the baby.

    That said, it’s all about weighing risks against desired outcome: generally that super toxic shit is fine for the patient because they’re only exposed to it once and then sent on their way.

    The closest thing we use to superglue is products like Dermabond (which is thicker, but otherwise I think it’s basically just superglue) to reinforce the sutures when closing a surgical incision. But same spiel - we put it on in the OR and send them on their way. It isn’t reapplied for any length of time, if there are any long term effects of Dermabond, we probably don’t even know about them because we never put on more than one application. …but even that will cause chemical burns to the epidermis; they’re just mild enough that they’re deemed worth it to keep the wound closed.

  • ‘Well, on Reddit…’

    I find myself doing that for Lemmy, but depending on who I’m talking to, I’ll either name “Lemmy” in a mild effort to recruit them if that person isn’t a piece of shit; or, even though I haven’t touched Reddit since it backstabbed its 3rd party app devs, I’ll reference posts and memes etc I find here on Lemmy as something like “bruh look at this shit on Reddit…” if the person I’m talking to is like a neonazi coworker who I’m being strategically friendly toward for the sole sake of workplace politics, but don’t want that miserable piece of shit to drag their hateful bigotry anywhere near Lemmy.

    So… Reddit still holds some value as a dumpster to direct certain people toward.

  • I pre-ordered No Man’s Sky -_-

    Now, they’ve done WAY more than any of us thought to make things right; but at the time of release, NMS was probably the single most egregious example of false advertising to hit the gaming industry, ever. Or at least within a comparable scope of visibility to the gaming community.

    It wasn’t just not living up to the hype; it was purchasing a brand new Lamborghini, and receiving 2003 Honda Civic.

    And no they didn’t just bite off more than they could chew - they knew what they had created; and proceeded to show demos and make promises that amounted to a completely different product. We were scammed.

    …and then I guess their conscious got the better of them, cuz rather than disbanding their studio and laughing all the way to the bank like we all expected them to, they spent years at least trying to make look like the product they promised. So, credit where it’s due. But still lesson learned: never preorder a game, no matter how good the demos looks, no matter how charming their spokespeople are, no matter how closely the product they’re pitching aligns with your specific niche interests: assume it’s all complete bullshit until you’ve seen some gameplay posted by real people.

  • Got me curious, so I did some digging: from a dermatological perspective, I’d give a strong vote ‘no’.

    This is a wordy article, and not from the kinds of medical resources I usually consider credible, but it passes the smell test and the question is ultimately about glue, so a website specializing in it makes sense - I’d recommend giving it a read:


    Ctrl+F “Dangers of Super Glue on Skin” if you want to skip to the juicy bits.

    Basically you’re looking at chemical burns and skin breakdown as a short-term consequence; and neurological damage long term. You 100% do NOT want neurological damage in your fingers if playing a guitar (or… doing anything that uses your fingers) is important to you.

    I’d guess there are products made specifically for this that won’t kill your fingers - you could probably find some recommendations at a more specific community here - quick search reveals a good handful of options specific to guitar… no idea if any of them are active, but that’d be a good start.

    Good luck, and don’t kill your fingers!