I don’t care what people say, the most important historical event in my lifetime was the discovery and release of the lost Steely Dan tape containing The Second Arrangement
This was the day after the majority of our dept., including my boss, spent a chunk of meeting time lauding Trump, Musk, and DOGE while espousing relevant canards; this resulted in one nonparticipating coworker leaving the room clearly upset by their dogma.
The conversation with this one coworker the following day went along the lines of him asking me where I went to college and I answered with the college name and campus location, both of which have a strong leftist/liberal/progressive reputation. He responded “You’re not one of those damn dirty liberals, are you?!”, and to defuse the situation without showing too many cards or creating a row, my response was to give a pronounced laugh and say that the polarity was an initial cause for me not wanting to go there and that I wanted to go to a different college that gave me a better scholarship but I wouldn’t have had the support from my parents otherwise.
Within certain industries, if you fire everyone who partakes in political soapboxing or uncouth commentary, you’ll lose half or more of the workforce and your company won’t stay afloat. This isn’t the first workplace that I’ve seen this. It is difficult to locate workplaces in which these behaviors are not common among the grunts as well as some higher-ups. A company won’t dismiss difficult to replace employees since it could cost the company its own existence. My employee handbook only “asks” that employees avoid talking about politics, and my HR rep is a self-described moderate (the HR rep self-described themself via an appropriate platform unrelated to work).
Vote now as to whether or not I should show this meme to my conservative coworker who in earnest asked me if I was “one of those damn dirty liberals” tomorrow
The code could associate skipped or unskipped symbols with the location of stars in the sky at a distant point in time unknown to those trying to break the code
Tony Iommi just used thimbles instead of superglueing the tips of his fingers back on and it seemed to work well for him
Hopping in here to clarify for OP that these aren’t AI. They’re just spam bots. Their scripts are pre-generated and may at most contain a vague reference to specifics of the video. They are not unique to CBS videos in any way. Many YouTube channels curate spam out of their comments but that process is time-consuming and/or leads to accidental censorship of unproblematic comments.
Can you make the sub private and for a couple months maintain it as “active” with low-effort posts vaguely on topic by a select few users?