Please, no one visit us for about four years. We deserve a timeout.
Please, no one visit us for about four years. We deserve a timeout.
Ez pz, you’re from Alberta. It’s the Texas of Canada.
Canadian is much easier, because you don’t have to fake an accent.
They have a free version on their website you can try yourself without a login.
Woah, that’s crazy. It’s instantly responsive. I wonder which LLM is feeding it. It must cost a fortune to run for free.
It’s also worth blocking some of the more prolific users. Since they’re often bots or seriously dedicated to spreading anime.
They wave to each other! Owners of Jeeps wave to each other, as if you say, “look we’re both suckers together.” Look up Jeep owners waving.
Maybe 5 years ago, I could understand being pro Tesla. There’s been zero excuse since the release of the Cyber Truck.
I sold mine for about $1,000 each and never looked back. It was free money. I would have never held them past $2k, much less 100k
I’m in the same boat from Reddit Is Fun, and I went with Sync, which in hindsight was a bad idea. Sync’s creator abandoned it after getting an influx of donations. I’ll have to find a new Lemmy browser soon as many of the year old formatting templates are outdated.