Jewish from Poland living in Toronto.
We all have a choice. To stand, not kneel. To oppose, not obey. To live, not just exist
Jewish from Poland living in Toronto.
Betterbird wouldn’t exist without thunderbird though. Same with all those firefox forks people are recommending, if Firefox goes under most of those would go under too.
I don’t even have kids and I have protection in place at home to block devices from accessing sites, not exclusively porn tho, gambling and social networks.
Porn can be bad, okay, but if we taught our kids properly it’s not that bad and curiosity is ok. Gambling is terrible and more and more people are getting addicted to it.
Fuck government paternalism.
Not even orks are so evil.
Polestar is Chinese, since Volvo is Chinese.
Sanctions started around 2014-2015. Even Spain buys gas from Russia.
There is this app that generates white noise on the phone but such a battery drainer it wasn’t worth it.
I’m glad Europe is uniting.
While still buying a lot of natural resources from Russia.
At least half of Europe is the very definition of hypocrisy the last few years.
Zelensky is impresive not because of what he says but because of what he does, I think the European Union isn’t demonstrating anything but talking a lot.
Smartphones are a national security threat too but… And not only smartphones, any kind of phone:
I rather buy another Korean or Japanese car. As an European except for the electric r5 I have no interest in European car makers, much less from a company that should have disappeared after dieselgate.
Funny how you say “my communities” and then “discords run them”.
It’s already bad enough that a lot of dry cat food in the market has grain (and the high cost of grainless alternatives) to even considering giving vegan food to a cat pffff.
Vegan cat food? What the frak, poor cats.
Mumble, wire, etc
Matrix (element?) can do everything Discord does.
I don’t know why people trusted Discord, it’s one of the worst platforms and I say this while I use it because I had to settle for that (friends) like I had to settle for WhatsApp (family and work)
Irc was better for chat, ventilo and mumble better for audio, and matrix is pretty much the same but better. Discord sucks like Twitter did and I can’t wait for it to go away. And forums are a better platform for help and documentation.
Thank God I convinced my fiancee to move our VCs to Wire, away from WhatsApp and Discord.
Spain in this is close to any dictatorship. Basically some big companies (Movistar/O2 and digi for example) are blocking everything behind cloudflare when there is a football game because of piracy.
People have reported not being able to work, to access amazon and many other legit sites during games and all because a judge gave La Liga power to order the blocking of webpages without a judicial order, and of course since they can’t know the IP behind cloudflare sites they just block IPs from cloudflare.
And yet people keep pirating because we have VPNs, and new sites popup every time. No one wants to pay over 100€ monthly to watch football, specially when most people only watch 1 or 2 games per week.
What do you use now instead of cloudflare?
The selfhosting movement sets people free in general.
Amazon is more than a shop. You can’t escape amazon web services.