Kill 1 person its a tragedy, Kill 10000 its a statistic.
Kill 1 person its a tragedy, Kill 10000 its a statistic.
I can’t throw the cart into the corral and see if I can make them stick together inside the store.
Nurgle cultist. May measles spread and give new life from the dead and rotten.
Oh good to know never even heard of it as an option.
Not sure where I live. I heard local news people complaining “now there is no place to get yarn anymore”.
I do know of a place like you described but that’s 3 hrs drive + 2 trains. Sigh. Not worth the effort for my hack job. Guess it’s online disaster here we go.
Couldn’t touch it 5 years ago. Now its daily life for me.
Thanks mate. I’ll miss the staff. They were always good to me.
Of all the stores closing in my lifetime Joann’s makes feel the worst. I almost cried. I shop there once a month for my hobby. I love feeling and seeing the fabrics. Now it’s gone. Torn to shreds by shoppers at 30% discount when they gave out 25% coupons weekly. Now I have to shop online for fabrics or check out thrift store which is going to be a huge pain. Worst of it is the stupid sewing machines are not going on sale.
Good news. Shame some people need to touch the hot stove to learn.
Bruh if I’m an AI I would have gone rouge by now.
Toasters are worship by the mechanicus
I like the idea that I was part of the foundation of something positive that will outlast a single human life time. All you have to do is not be a douch to positively impact. Maybe it’s just a drop in a bucket but ocean is just a collection of drops of water.
And when the Great Corruption has settled over the land, and permeated the very foundations of reality itself, then shall the Lord of All rise from the rot and ruin, spread his arms wide to reclaim all his children.
May Grandpa nurgle bless everyone of them
But what about all that unholy black ooze?
Demon blood made of 666 particles
Hmm harness the holy light of the sun?
Lucky engineer decision:
Space billionaire
SPACE billionaire
Horrible cycle of addiction. Even earn you know the addition is pointless you still want it. Frustrating but as you keep breaking out of cycles it gets easier.
Wanna bet he changes it march 3rd?
I’m just gonna sing some katy perry for no reason what so ever.
🎵 You change your mind Like a girl changes clothes Yeah you P.M.S. Cause you’re hot then you’re cold You’re yes then you’re no You’re in then you’re out You’re up then you’re down You’re wrong when it’s right It’s black and it’s white 🎵
Geneva checklist
This is actually what causes green plumbers causes now you have nothing left to lose.