But do you think ‘nine millimeters’ would have passed?
But do you think ‘nine millimeters’ would have passed?
Shit, they perma’d me for constantly agitating in non leftist subs… I can’t help it.
Yiggity yikes.
Licorice is not that common a spice any more, partially because it’s toxic at pretty obtainable levels, though people who like the flavor still typically won’t accidentally consume a dangerous amount.
There’s a lot of things that are toxic at high levels but the typical volume avaliable commercially is never going to work, you need some kind of refined to the toxic elements only type of substance, which there’s at least a possibility no one has figured out how to do that refinement, as there’s no sense in it.
You teste it or put it in a pill or pouch or something?
Now he’ll be scrambling through the trash cans of heaven, screeching with joy.
It has always and will always grow. GOP are also the party that when they hold a majority spend like fucking mad, Bush paying for Iraq, Trump’s crippling tax cuts that explicitly shifted tax burden onto the poor and middleclass. They do not care, they only pretend to care and use that as an excuse for more spending, or tax cuts for the owner class. They never fucking care when they have the ball.
If you want more money in public hands, holy shit is supporting a republican at any point from Regan to Trump the dumbest shit you could vote for. This is the party of ‘‘goverment doesn’t work’’ and privatization of all public services. They have never been shy about just how little tax revenue they want to end up in gov service to citizens.
I hope it’s Groove Metal with unexpected but fitting jazz influence.
You gotta bust out that ol’ thesaurus.
‘‘Consume the abundance’’
‘‘Ingest the waxed’’
‘‘Partake in the Bloated’’
‘‘Drink down the Hog swaggle’’
‘‘Caramelize the Cashhavers’’
‘‘Snoot up the Heavy Laiden’’
That’s the stupid part, we’re not broke. We’re not bogged down with debt, we own the debt, we’re overspending on American business and economic output, just because we spend money and have national debt dosen’t mean we are collapsing, our corporate stock market based economy needs infinite growth, so gov spending is going to ALSO always go up. That’s really basic shit. He isn’t fixing a desperate problem, he’s looting the fucking country and hoping he gets it all done in time for a Russian airline loaded with gold to take him safely home.
Yes please. This is a time when things need to be corrected, and as long as Trump and his fascist party are in charge that will nene happen.
It was probably more to do with the destruction of the Temple that was there when Jesus was alive but destroyed 40 years later, there are many nods to this in the gospels, because it’s trying to contextualize current events with the Christian religious movement, it was important that Jesus was prophetic, and him driving out vendors from the temple is a strong image, here is the messiah, rejected by the Jews he here to save, and he correcting them, telling them to remove vendors from temple ground, and they refused to listen, so God allowed the temple to be destroyed.
Or maybe it’s more the image of the sacrificial animal’s symbolic of the Jews being chased from their homelands by a whip god controls turned against them for their sins.
It’s very effective when a lot of people agree and follow suit, these companies panic and now REALLY quickly when they no longer have a functioning business model. You have to have consumers willing to buy from you.
The ‘‘aid’’ we send to Ukraine is the US goverment using US money to buy US products and have the military drop them off. Those millions we send to Ukraine is money we have and keep in our economy, why conservatives are so fucking stupid they can’t figure this out is infuriating. Yes. Saw off you legs to lose weight. You’ll lose SO much.
Good ol meaningless buzzwords to justify any stupid ass idea.
There is something there, but I don’t know about Biden being the main focus. It feels like a little mini civil war where after the US Civil War for a very brief moment we had African American politicians, leaders, businesses, and equality seemed at least possible. Then you have the KKK and white supremacy pop up and it’s all gone. We had a brief run with what felt like some equality or equitable society, and then a big white supremacist movement came up and they are moving hell and earth to drag us back to the 1770s
They are holding out a fist. Hardly a gang sign. In African American culture a first often represents struggling against racist laws, and principals, against terrorist groups like the KKK, and white supremacy from government officials like Hoover, or embedded in laws and customs, which would fit the title of the song.
Look, this isn’t complicated, they are holding out a fist. This is a pretty universal expression of readiness or willingness to fight.