Alphabet/Google needs to fire their CEO. He’s an obvious idiot, not good with employees, not good with investors, and not good at lobbying. That’s like 99% of a CEO’s job. Just get rid of him and Google’s stock price will probably jump 20%.
Alphabet/Google needs to fire their CEO. He’s an obvious idiot, not good with employees, not good with investors, and not good at lobbying. That’s like 99% of a CEO’s job. Just get rid of him and Google’s stock price will probably jump 20%.
Basic human decency. I did my time in the corporate world and will only work for non-profits now. The pay is always less but competitive enough (and the benefits are often better) but the people you work with are so much smarter and committed. You can sleep well at night.
Everyone who got laid off from a tech company should try out working for non-profits. (The good kind. Not the weird political kind.) It sucks to take a pay cut and there’s fewer career advancement opportunities but sometimes, your soul matters. And I don’t mean “soul” in a religious way. I’ll wake up at 3am to fix a bug for a non-profit with a mission and not even mind. I wouldn’t do that for a defense contractor (which many tech companies are now). Fuck ‘em. Hire people in Australia if you need 24h coverage.
To me, Russia fell into the “natural resources trap” where a country can sell oil, gold, diamonds, whatever and the citizens are fine with low taxes and jobs but it ultimately can doom you to misrule. A country that doesn’t have oil or whatever has to do things the hard way. Like educate everyone and be a knowledge economy. That’s harder than finding oil.
Sochi seems lovely and I’d like to visit St Petersburg once relations normalize but no one associates Russia with tourism like they do Italy or France or Thailand or Bali or wherever your nearest tourism hotspot is.
So, long term, I’d like to see Russia embrace its strengths outside of energy and arms. We’d all be happier. But I’m not in charge so we’ll see what Trump and Putin do instead.
Natural resources. Oil & LNG (which America exports but much of Europe, China, and India import). They have Uranium fit for nuclear plants (so does Mali, which is why it’s a point of contention between France and Russia). Kind of crappy but still explosive weapons sales. The U.S., France, and China will sell you previous generation weapons that are better than Russia’s best stuff.
I mean, to vastly oversimplify, it’s a gas station with nuclear weapons and rocket scientists from the Soviet era. It’s not a diversified economy for a country so large. They export grain and shit like that but it’s a whole continent wide and they aren’t efficient about it.
It’s not a conventional career path but what is in these times of change?
Thank you. I have a masters in headassery from the Advanced School of Clowning at Bologna. And I interned at the Milan Dick Sucking Factory, which is where I met your parents.
Make one if you want that. I doubt many adults are going to make a 4chan clone and deal with all that comes with it.
No offense. I’m just saying 4chan is toxic and bad and and there’s not a lot of experienced developers hoping to recreate it when we can just take a shit on the sidewalk and accomplish more in less time.
Fentanyl is a technology.
I’m only speaking for myself but I’m not sure I’d want my BlueSky and Mastodon feeds mixing. I tried it with Skybridge and a third party Mastodon app and the vibe shift felt weird. I’m all for people making bridges for those who want it but I don’t mind having two apps that I use to follow two different cultures.
On Mastodon, I followed a lot of developers and activists and it’s usually kind of serious discussions. On BlueSky, I followed shitposters and people who don’t take posting too seriously. Twitter refugees. People like that. And that works great for me. Sometimes, I want one and sometimes I want the other.
Back in the olden days when Twitter wasn’t fash, I made lists and that worked fine. Like, I had a list for activists, a list for weather alerts, local government announcements, etc. My main feed was for people making jokes. So, it can be one app. But I’ll be ok if it’s two apps. (It’d be nice to have a Tweetdeck thing — there’s blue.deck and Mastodon equivalents — that can view it all, especially during major events.)
Didn’t Apple just come out with one or am I mistaken?
I have an iPhone 15 Pro and a recent Pixel (just because I’m a dev and want to know both ecosystems). I use the iPhone as my daily driver, though, not because it’s necessarily better but because I cannot help myself when it comes to tinkering with Android devices. I have semi-bricked several over the years and then had to install Windows in a VM to run some sketchy-looking factory reset program.
Basically, it’s not an Android problem. It’s a me problem. I’m the one who needs a walled garden so I don’t do science experiments.
And those people are afraid to visit even a mid-sized, low crime city unarmed. They cosplay as militias but they couldn’t occupy a single Canadian town.
Don’t look at red state vs. blue state. It’s mostly an urban vs. rural divide. (I’m no military strategist but I’m pretty sure controlling all the major cities and ports is an important part of war.)
Also, I don’t think it matters much. Whatever side the military takes is the side that’s got the real firepower. It’s not like the Idaho Dipshit Brigade of 30 fatassed losers in their 40s is gonna do anything.
In general, there’s the sunk cost fallacy. But I think there’s an additional, related component in politics. Trump in particular but many politicians (and whatever Elon Musk is) are conmen and not particularly smart. They’re just charismatic — I don’t personally get Trump or Musk’s charisma but apparently a lot of people do. (And their tweets alone are evidence enough to prove they aren’t clever.)
And so any time Trump or Musk or whomever does something completely idiotic, supporters compensate by telling themselves it’s all 12 dimensional chess and they’re actually brilliant. It’s just too embarrassing for them to admit they were conned by a fool. So, they double down to compensate. But ultimately, most conmen aren’t smart. That’s why they’re conmen.