The other annoying thing is when you find a L2 charger at a hotel that is actually just an L1 charger in disguise.
The other annoying thing is when you find a L2 charger at a hotel that is actually just an L1 charger in disguise.
Thats a great point as well, if you live in an apartment the best you can hope for is if you have a garage with an outlet and your apartment complex hasn’t cracked down on you plugging in that way, but that’s like 20 miles charge in several hours.
People just have the wrong idea about EV charging. They think of it like a gas car, wait until you’re low, then go somewhere to fill up. But really, it’s more like charging your phone. You plug it in at home, go to bed, wake up, and it’s ready. You’re not constantly thinking about it.
Fast charging is for road trips, not everyday driving. You’re not supposed to be scrambling to find a charger every couple of days. Ideally, you start each morning with 80%, go about your day, come home, plug in, and do it all over again. You’re never really “empty” unless you seriously mess up. And the whole “how long does it take to charge?” thing, isn’t really all that relevant. You’re not sitting there watching it, it just happens while you’re doing other things.
People are stuck on the idea of gas stations, but with an EV, your “gas station” is literally your house.
So ideally it wouldn’t be handling 12 cars at once it’d be handling one or two.
I think they’re thinking like Star Trek federation, there is no need for currency because everything can be made from a replicator.