These companies will never come back.
These companies will never come back.
I mean shes not wrong, but imagine I use this to do my bullshit day job so I can work on what I really want to. I would totally use this to get some rube to pay me for a job while I GameDev or something. Or at least some excel sheet monkey could probably do that I know these can’t do my job.
Missed opportunity for the green area to say “Yes, you can”
And armed resistance has become necessary as the First Amendment is dead in the water, LGBTQ identities are erased, gay marriage bans are being talked of, and our government is aligning with fucking Russia, THE textbook corrupt government example. So yeah, how ya feelin’?
We have Social Security because old people died in droves during the Great Depression. They want to bring that back?
Thats a solid point
You can customize all that with your own color scheme you get to chose. Which is kinda cool
What you need to know is Donald fucken sucks at deals and is 100% vibes based, often fucking us and himself over egregiously.
Cunt, some may not agree. But it is an apt description of everyone tearing apart our country.
I think we’re gonna learn the hard way its actually not okay to let corporations become more powerful than most nations.
To cripple the US so it is no longer a threat to Russia, and they can move in to “reclaim” all those Baltic nations and maybe even cop the EU.
Understandable. If you can’t get the exterminator all over the apartment its fruitless. I wouldnt stay. You’ll have little passengers forever.
Its not impossible. But let me tell you it is a load of stress and not fun at all. I covered everything, and eventually they just crawled to the walls where I hadn’t sprayed or put powder. Absolutely horryfing and sometimes I still feel crawling on my skin.
It depends on your situation. I didnt abandon my apartment, and we actually got them all out after a month or so. But I couldn’t go anywhere else. If you need this place, I’d get an exterminator. If you can kick it somewhere else and torch your stuff, I’d do that over staying. Since you said your finances are bad, both options are equally terrible for you. I’d math out whatever is cheapest for you and do that.
If you went in the building they are on your stuff. Speaking from experience. I had to get heat fans and have my apartment covered in sprays and powders with the heat to get rid of them. It was so terrible it took months. If you go anywhere at this point they will just follow you.
Peak LinkedIn shitposting
Americans, watch and learn. The French dont duck around when they protest.
I think its time we deprecate most forms of printing. Clearly corporations cannot be trusted to operate these kinds of companies.
Shes correct. Which is why I’m screaming about protesting at DC. Not just here on, Lemmy. But everywhere. Go. To. The. Capital.
Its out now. I’m talking about taking advantage of this toilet bowl before the last flush. We never got rid of Citizens United. We never controlled these corporations. As a people, we were content until just about this point as a whole. Unless everyone marches to DC. The tech bros are getting their little kingdoms.