Hey cut our friend some slack, it’s probably PTSD from covid. Gather round, grandpas gonna tell a story…
There was a time you see, when it was not allowed to return your cart at the store as they had to be cleaned, you had to return it at the corral with the other biohazards.
They say that out there in the masses, some are still mentally in lockdown.
I feel he was well intended and just naive. When he finally made it, he quickly realized he wouldn’t stay PM for long if he did, not only because the people in power wouldn’t let him if he was to push another voting system, but that his party probably wouldn’t win another election ever. (Ending the conservative/liberal back and forth forever).
I think he could have done it and started a strong/young party, fully embrace the change albeit taking a chance people wouldn’t vote for him. But he’s a traditional political boy.
After the french revolution, the people who took over did the same exact thing as before, and abused their power. When Lenin finally took over and gave Russians free elections, they didnt vote for him. He said fuck them and took power anyway. It do be like that for these types.