We’re in the world of wrongthink now
We’re in the world of wrongthink now
You’re right. Reddit was naive to expect that people would give a positive value to something they inherently disagreed with.
Of course, now they’re going to punish people who agree with things that Reddit doesn’t agree with.
No, originally they were supposed to be for content that contributes and added value, even if you didn’t agree:
But the amount of “came here to say this” and “haha epic updoot for you sir” has made it pretty clear that the karma whoring was for agreement.
It’s the reason there are echo chambers now.
Don’t get me wrong, the original intent of the upvote/downvote system died a year or two after Reddit started, but Reddit always maintained that upvotes and downvotes weren’t for agreement.
Reddit finally admits that upvotes and downvotes are for agreement and disagreement.
Unfortunately this is probably going to be a buy for me.
Seeing how the market reacted to the enshittification of Reddit, means that Discord probably has a lot of upside on the share price. The parallels between the two services can’t be ignored.
I don’t at all feel vindicated, but my Brother printer is the worst printer I ever owned (this was 20 years ago admittedly). Absolute hunk of junk with nothing but problems. I’ve always wondered why they were so well recommended online.
I’ve had a 3D printer about a year now. I’d say I’ve gotten my money’s worth: I’ve printed generally useful things that aren’t just gimmicks.
But I also think I’ve been pretty lucky - there are some problems that I just don’t have the patience to deal with right now, for example some materials just don’t adhere to the bed. But I haven’t had anything fundamental that would make me really pissed off.
I could have totally seen myself in the same position as you if I ended up with a dud printer or something. It’s getting a lot better but it’s certainly not an instant plug-and-play device for most people.
How big would the “Victims of Capitalism” monument be?
They don’t care about “you”. They care about their “consumers” (as in, you in bulk), who don’t buy them.
It’s capitalism; simple as that.
How many times is this going to be regurgitated? The question has been well and truly answered.
We don’t buy them.
Poo on wall
Like most of these “anti-theft” pieces of shit, it only negatively impacts and inconveniences those who don’t steal (or don’t intend to steal). Everyone else is just going to find a way to steal.