never forget that spez admitted to silently edit user comments that criticized him
I guess thousands of redditors saying ‘fuck u/spez’ over and over got to him. I wonder it such comments would fly today.
never forget that spez admitted to silently edit user comments that criticized him
I guess thousands of redditors saying ‘fuck u/spez’ over and over got to him. I wonder it such comments would fly today.
Virtually all of your examples involve US hegemony instigating and winning
Hmm, I disagree. There are some but I purposely wanted to include the ones where the US was not in change in order to show its been a shitshow everywhere. They obviously had a hand everywhere, since they are considered a superpower but them leading the show every time? That’s a stretch.
Ive also given examples I personally thought were extreme that happened in that century to paint a picture that it’s been pretty bad for a while now and you can draw your own opinion on whether is better now or not. I don’t wish to compare these events to today’s but I can acknowledge they were there and that they were also, pretty fucking bad.
Media bias. Trump is outrage and outrage moves views and views are profit. Trump is the greatest thing to happen to the media - regardless of side. We’re also more connected today than we ever were before so this media gets to everyone in an instant.
Are evil people really winning globally more than they were in the past? Well… no. We’ve seen more shit in the second half of the 20th century than we are now. There’s still 25 years to catch up though. Heres some shit thats gone down fro 1950-2000.
A lot of these have been resolved.
Trump is a confused, sick old man, with possible dementia. I think they have him take a regiment of various pills that boost him through the day, prolonging the rot happening on the inside. Makes him docile and a good little puppet. We hate him for good reason but its inhumane we let a person like this be president.
Because people are sick and if you put an upload button on any website, the sickness will spread through it. Instagram has content moderators and probably AI to filter it but if you have more sick people uploading this shit than moderators, well it gets through. Believe me, they dont want to host it because its not advertiser friendly and alienates users… there is no incentive to them hosting this, as you said, they arent rotten.
Use them, dont let them use you.
Bluesky is what happens when someone with a corporate mindset wants to make something new and good. Mastodon happens when hobbyists get together and make something. Ive heard BlueSky has a board of people in charge to make sure it doesn’t end up like twitter. Exactly what one would expect a company to do. Make sure something doesnt go wrong? Put a few people in charge. Mastodon just has the whole community. I may be wrong here as I dont use either. Right now Im just wondering what will happen when BlueSkys provider comes knocking with the hosting bill. As mass social media migrations are rare, its just a shame people are leaving twitter for another big tech site instead of something more community grown.
Charon is such a slut. He’ll do anything for money.