In that interview, I was surprised to find he seemed like a human being. And his laugh seemed to come from inside him. PP on the other hand seems to get his laughter delivered by FedEx.
I kinda think she was there to make Carney’s glow brighter.
I’ve heard maple water gives you the shits. I expect they’ll pasteurize it? Unless they’re raw tree nutzos.
Covered Bridge makes good chips.
I just saw Munchies again, but unfortunately they’re owned by Pepsi. Which sucks because they’re really good.
She probably tips those fake dollars with Bible verses on them.
Okay, so it absolutely was market manipulation. A dump and pump. Cue the tariffs to be rescinded this afternoon.
My email was fartface3000 for a very long time. It was only embarrassing always.
When I listened to PP’s speech on CBC radio my favorite thing was that he spoke first in French so we heard a halting translation spoken by a woman and didn’t have to hear his winey voice.
The problem is it’s fucking expensive. We went to Halifax this summer and had a great time, but we could have easily paid for a week in an all inclusive in Mexico for a similar price for 5 days in Halifax.
That being said, we’re taking the train to Montreal for March break. Way simpler and less stressy than an international trip, but not cheaper.
Jack off all trades is gold.
Not yet, guy.
Dicks Out, Get Eating
They sank a lot of money into Vietnam and Afghanistan too.
Glad to see civil discourse making a come back.