Poor kid there probably just has a watership down moment ^^
A strong yearning for a place you can’t quite describe that is full of discoveries and beauty. Like Wanderlust.
The desire of being free of desire.
Riding fast on your bike in a rainstorm while listening to high energy and/or emotional music.
I envy you, but -1
12 bucks a year for education and entertainment… S O C I A L I S M >:-0
It’s not free it’s 12 bucks a year ☝️😌
Leave Cletus out of this, he’s an honest good hearted intelligent guy compared to musk.
I was particularily fond of the one where two boys play pranks on adults. Until they get ground to crumbs while alive and then fed to the geese in the end, that is…
Ah yes, the girl that was burned alive for not using ze proper sewing technique, an all time German classic Gutenachtgeschichte.
We Germans have a very good humor actually we wrote the book aboud it. A whole compendium. Thousands of pages. The most comprehensive work you’ll find. It’s just not a funny book.
Woah back off pardner, she’s mine!