What value comes from severing those relationships?
What value comes from severing those relationships?
As an american, please keep this up.
Yeah, that’s why you don’t share this with fascists.
And for the most part, it’s generally not the case that fascists find themselves in the hot seat, because their buddies are cops, or themselves are cops. The rule of law was never truly applied to them in the first place.
we want jury nullification to come from individual conclusions that this law does not apply despite the circumstances, and not because they know they can.
There is an ongoing shift towards fascism, and at least for now the courts still have power over whether or not people get to walk free.
So there is more to it than your letting on. We’re gonna see cases of people who have done illegal things because the fascists in power decided to make existence defacto illegal for people.
An example of this is the bans on transgender people from using bathrooms other than their assigned sex. If I’m ever a juror on a case like that, I’m fucking voting not guilty, and everybody else should too.
It’s also worth knowing how to do it, as it isn’t exactly straightforward.
If make it known that you know about it, or you are intentionally doing it, you could face legal issues.
The space race gave us space age materials and advances. It wasn’t for nothing.
Shouldn’t the first guy be also copying, but copying from a literal bull?
That was some wild shit I just read.