That warehouse disaster was horrible. Those poor souls. May they rest in peace.
That warehouse disaster was horrible. Those poor souls. May they rest in peace.
The thing I’ve started to notice is the further you stray away from a big box products and into micro custom solutions there is always trade-offs. So far as being unique and the hassle that comes with it maintenance.
The more hands off you are big corpo and I agree they aren’t your friends, the more you have to maintain the software or setup personally. Or trust the person or people doing it all day everyday and never let up.
I trust other people mostly, who’s job it is to do these things all day everyday. Having 3rd parties to audit them, than I could be able to, or would want to, consistently maintain software at the standard it requires with the fast changing landscape we have today.
While you gain more features to some degree, you lose in others like security against vulnerabilities and sheer eyes and minds on the code.
Fuck their CEO if he is off the wall. Focus on the goal of privacy and the tool you need, the rest is fluff. Use what you need first then want.
Turn it all off and it’s no more in your face. The browser itself functions great when configured according to your needs.
Fuck their CEO though. Focus on the product. It works and consistently ranks as one of the highest orivacy based browser according to the EFF and multiple non profit sources.
I know many local bee keepers and it’s depressing as hell when the colonies collapse for no real reason. They steadily have been in decline for years cutting in half then half again. Bouncing back is rare. It’s very stressful and turbulent.
Any tech to save pollinators and especially honey bees is a major major global win. The honey market has been long since adultered with mass amounts of fake products. Bee colonies are declining at unprecedented rates. Pollinators as a whole are a mere fraction of what they used to be. Look at the science. It’s atrocious.
Oh I believe it but no doubt. But right now even with this totally shitty move and I mean totally shitty move. Brother atleast their older models still accept 3rd party cartridges. Everyone buy those! Fuck the new stuff.
This is a total shit move but I have tried many printers and I’m still choosing Brother everytime. Especially on some older generations with copy scan and print. None of the other big brands are worth a shit. They all fail or jam in some form or fashion.
Honestly I’ve seen round abouts in the US and while I totally think their more efficient and causes less wrecks statistically. People are fucking idiots. Everyone complains and thinks their worse and hate them to hell and back. No amount of facts or convincing will change their minds. It’s insanity. People are so resistant to change it’d incredible the mountain out if a mole hill they will make it out to be.
Atleast don’t censor the photos so for educational purposes only we can collectively judge if this AI art is indeed worth a damn.
Its gut wrenching. No amount of lawsuit money could give true justice. Lives were taken. You can’t give those back.
Change is the only positive outcome, and money to the families sure. But to prevent that horrible atrocity and to give power back to the people. Where they aren’t in fear to go home for fear of losing their jobs or what ever the punishment was.