Interesting wiki, I had no idea you produced so many cars, since I don’t know of any major Canadian car brands I just assumed you didn’t build any either, never thought there could be plants from foreign brands.
Yes that’s correct, I’ve worked in the field, when you place an order online there’s a workflow triggered in the background between your bank, the vendor and visa/Mastercard in the case of credit cards. When you place the order, an authorization is placed on the card, at that stage it goes through a few checks (balance, fraud checks, creation of the transaction ID, etc). If it’s successful, it’ll move to a pending status, at this point it’s just an authorization, during this time the company will prepare your order for shipping. Once it ships, the authorisation gets converted to a settlement, which is when money actually starts getting transferred. Even then it’ll take a few more days for the banks to actually process the transaction before the vendor can refund it.
Of course, this is all just the way it’s done, I’m not saying it’s the right one. Companies use this process because it’s nice and safe, guarantees you won’t be losing money through the cracks, but nothing would stop them from just refunding before this whole transaction shenanigans is fine, they just take more risk.
Hmm that’s interesting… Let me know if you find it again, would you be interested in converting it in a short film script?
I also still have my really old one but I got a couple others, one of which is the current “official” one, the old one is way too compromised lmao. But it looks normal, not a crazy gamer tag or whatever.
But I don’t have my very first one anymore, that was a “caramail” one I can’t even remember what it was but it must’ve surely been extremely cringe.
Yeah I remember it, and it also shocked me more than any gory vids I’d watched before. It’s been a long long time since I’ve been seeking that kind of content… I think this one was particularly heartbreaking just due to how seemingly random it was, one second you’re happily driving around not a care in the world and the next your loved one has been obliterated right next to you… And the screams, for sure…
Viticulteurs are the people making the wine, œnologues are the expert taste-masters, and finally you have the sommeliers which work at restaurants or in the caves. (I totally understand you were just making a light hearted joke but felt like sharing).
Nah unfortunately these don’t make it across the ocean, the best we get are those little glass bottles with a handle like in their first link.
We always bring back a few cans with us when we visit Quebec and then we have this plastic container thing that lives in the fridge, the Canadian way.
I also love the little maple leaf shaped candy that seem to basically just be hardened maple syrup. I don’t normally like candy, but these are simple enough for me to enjoy.