Oh look, someone holding on to 2000 year old grievances, anyways….
Uh… I think you’ll find Palestinian grievances are quite recent.
Oh look, someone holding on to 2000 year old grievances, anyways….
Uh… I think you’ll find Palestinian grievances are quite recent.
Uh… In my country I can go to jail for criticizing the government. Does that mean criticizing the government is bad?
Y’all should bring it back to common use and rejoin the civilized world by overmorrow evening.
Isn’t that just bigotry?
I have to say: I’d thought Protestantism was the more sane of the three major Christian sects, but apparently not. What the hell is this?
Wait really? The only thing I know about Protestantism is the stuff about not needing a capital C Church.
Non-American here. Your first (and probably biggest) hurdle to clear would be to get leftists and progressives to stop carrying water for the DNC’s controlled opposition. Over the past few months I’ve started to doubt it’s even possible, but that should probably be you and your hypothetical new party’s first goal. It might also be a good idea to link up with local progressive third parties if you can sell them on the idea of contesting elections.
Loans are so shady as an industry, the smaller they are the more they’re just looking to further exploit the poorest people
And now you know why the Abrahamic religions forbid usury. It’s honestly a wonder the world managed to dig itself back into this particular hole again.
A US invasion of Canada would likely lead to either the secession of the blue wall states or nothing, depending on how the political opposition acts. And the political opposition is the Dems, so I wouldn’t get my hopes up unless things get really bad in the US first.
Just pirate it.
That logic works in principle, but we’ve already seen the test run of this in the UK.
The mother, father and their four children - who were aged seven, eight, 17 and 18 in September - were displaced after their home was destroyed by an airstrike in the Israel-Hamas war.
They applied for entry to the UK using the Ukraine Family Scheme to join the father’s brother, who has lived in the UK since 2007 and is a British citizen.
Their application was refused in May last year after the Home Office concluded the requirements of the scheme were not met.
The family of six, who have been granted anonymity, had an appeal against the decision dismissed by a first-tier immigration tribunal judge in September.
However they have been granted the right to live in the UK after upper tribunal judges allowed a further appeal, on the grounds of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights which protects the right to family life, following a hearing in January.
To save face Zionist governments have to at least try to deny the scale of the Israeli-caused humanitarian catastrophe. So as I said, I’m not hopeful.
Then they’d need to admit Israel is doing something wrong.
I think I get the SS/Gestapo comparisons now.
If it was an inevitable end to capitalism we’d be drowning in it is my point.
Regardless of whether that’s true, which is irrelevant (the answer is kind of yes but it’s complicated), America in particular is headed towards fascism.
Speaking of points do you want to address my point about leftists being unable to organize themselves out of a wet paper bag, much less the current government they helped elect?
I mean that’s just false. The multitude of activist groups, third parties and unions are the results of leftists organizing. As for why they’re not out there contesting elections, it’s a mixture of complacency, the spoiler fallacy, a weird Stockholm syndrome-style attachment to the Democratic Party and falling for the DNC’s ruse. You’ll see them get off their asses eventually (whether they’ll do so in time is another story), but inability to organize isn’t the problem here.
I don’t quite feel like teaching you how fascism works so just… Go learn that yourself. Then you’ll probably be less off the mark when talking about this stuff.
I’m expecting America to implode and it not be a problem.
Yeah that’s also a bad ending. Because, y’know, nobody wants a reenactment of the Holocaust.
So what do you want to talk about here?
How liberalism will do nothing to prevent America’s fall into fascism, just like it did nothing to prevent other instances of fascism.
Again, getting your ass kicked by foreign powers is the bad ending. What leftists want is a way to stop the rise of fascism without a war that leaves millions dead. It should also be noted that this way of ending fascism requires a foreign army able to conquer the region going fascist, and who exactly are you expecting to come and kick America’s ass?
All three examples you gave fell to fascism and then were dragged out of it kicking and screaming at the cost of countless lives. They’re the bad ending. In the bad ending the ideology of the country defeating the fascists doesn’t matter; nobody claimed liberals can’t run a war. When leftists say liberalism can’t stop fascism, they mean that centrist liberalism* (the kind practiced by the modern DNC, for example) is incapable of avoiding the bad ending and leading countries away from fascism without becoming fascist in the first place. We want a good ending that liberalism can’t offer.
That explains everything…
Most leftist thing I’ve ever seen.