• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Anyone wanna guess what those “Consequences” are going to be?

    • A sternly worded written order DEMANDING compliance, with random words in ALL CAPS to show how serious they are this time.
    • A repeat of the orders demanding compliance, but adding the words “OR ELSE” to the end.
    • A $1000 fine for the first dozen or so violations, followed by nothing at all.
    • A contempt of court charge for Trump that actually can’t be enforced because he’s the sitting President.
    • A press release saying that Trump needs to abide by the court’s decisions.
    • Absolutely fucking nothing at all.

  • Schools offer services to students and while making the statement (that trans people are still people) is important denying services to hundreds if not thousands of students (due to lack of funding) who may or may not agree with that position just to make the statement isn’t responsible as an institution.

    I understand your rationale. And in fact, in 99% of circumstances I begrudgingly agree with it. Sometimes, you have to do what’s right for the greater good even if you know it might hurt a few people in the process. But this is not one of those times. And it’s not even because of the specific issues being raised (Protests at Columbia, trans athletes at UPenn, etc.).

    The reason I’m against it is because by so quickly bending the knee for Trump on these issues is that you’re telling your students, community, and alumni that the principles you claim to stand for are up for bid. You’re in favor of trans rights – until trans rights start actually costing you money. You’re in favor of the rights of students to protest – until it effects your funding. What happens when a school promotes support of LGBT issues and then comes in the crosshairs of the Trump Hate Machine? “Sorry guys, but we’ve gotta kick all the gays out. Trump threatened to pull $100 million in funding if we don’t.”? Where do you draw the line?

    It’s one thing to expect that of a regular business. Neither your local mom & pop store nor Wal-Mart are expected to be champions of our freedoms and hold such an important place in our society. Even if I strongly disagree with their decisions, I can understand if they follow where the political and financial winds are blowing. But universities are a completely different beast and play a completely different role in our society.

  • It was disregarded because it was a vocal demand when the criminals were already halfway to their destination. If we allowed a federal judge to say “wait, don’t do that!” and express vocally their outrage, to the POTUS every time they disagreed, there would be no point in having a person voted as President

    You do realize this happens all the time, right? Death row inmates can be granted clemency literally while they’re strapped to the gurney. It’s literally a case of the judge, governor, POTUS, whoever saying “WAIT, DON’T DO THAT!”. And yes, this includes the judge verbally giving instructions and holding off the proceedings until a written order can be drafted.

    There was nothing stopping them from turning that plane around.

  • Make him do it. Make him do it over and over. New contempt charges every time one of these asshat lawyers refuses a lawful court order. Take up all of Trump’s time with having to continuously pardon his own lawyers.

    This would be at best a minor inconvenience that Trump would just sign with the auto-pen that he’s going after Biden for using.

    And we’ve seen literally dozens of Trump’s high-profile lawyers watch their careers end in disgrace once Trump no longer has a use for them. And for every one that crashes and burns, there seems to be two more willing to take his place. Especially now that Trump is immune from prosecution, making it much less risky for them.

  • ‘You felt you could disregard it?’

    Well, given that they disregarded it and are now standing before you arguing that they had the right to disregard it, I think it’s safe to say that yes, they felt they could disregard it. And given that the migrants were deported anyway, your orders were not only completely ignored, but were also being openly mocked on Twitter by Marco Rubio, and they will receive no punishment for doing so, I think it’s safe to say that they were right.

    Frustrated, Boasberg ordered sworn declarations explaining what happened, quipping that he would issue a written order “since apparently my verbal orders don’t seem to carry much weight.”

    He’s about to find out that his written orders carry even less. Remember, the Supreme Court ruled that he can’t even be questioned about official acts, much less investigated. Trump could go on his Twitter knock-off tomorrow and tell this guy to go fuck himself with a chainsaw and there’s fuck-all this judge can do about it.

  • Because they do have power if they’re willing to use it. It can slow them down. For instance,

    Chuck Schumer had that power last week. Look how well that turned out. That’s what you’re basing your hopes on?

    They have subpoenas. Make republicans have to spend all their time talking about all the horrible things they’re doing to the floor. Remove all their time to do said horrible things because they’re too busy testifying

    Actually, no. Democrats have no subpoena power or ability to hold official hearings while in the minority.

    If they don’t testify, they can put people in contempt of congress which can be enforced by the Sergeant at Arms. This is something that did happen to Steve Bannon when he refuesed to testify for the Jan 6th committee. Not just a hypothetical power

    I wouldn’t exactly use Steve Bannon as a prime example. It took years for him to see any consequence at all, and he got a bare minimum. He got, what, 4 months? For the amount of money Bannon is making off of riding Trump’s dick, I’d sit in a jail cell for 4 months too.

    And I’ll counter your argument with Jim Jordan. Ignored subpoenas. Didn’t even get so much as a censure in the house for ignoring their own subpoena, let alone any form of punishment at all. If you for half a second think a Republican-led House is going to charge a prominent, full-throated MAGA member and chair of the Judiciary Committee with contempt, order his arrest, and have him jailed for non-compliance, I have beachfront property on Mars you may be interested in.

    Your rationale goes on the premise that traditional norms and laws still apply. They do not. When the people who are in charge of enforcing those laws and norms are actively telling you that they’re not going to enforce them, those laws aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

  • Admittedly I’ve never watched their content and was already calling them mierdas touch simply because I cannot stand the absurdly clickbait cope titles they choose.

    A lot of the independent left-wing reporters out there have been doing this for a while as well. Bryan Tyler Cohen, David Pakman, all of the Meidas Touch, and Jesse Dollemore are also absurdly guilty of this. It actually takes away from their content because I often agree with their content, but their absurd hyperbolic clickbait just smacks of desperation and is a huge turn-off.

    I stopped watching them right after the election, because a lot of people were in their channels discussing the impact of Trump winning the election and every single one of them were putting out videos begging subscribers not to leave because their subscriber numbers were dropping. Yeah. Trump just returned to power and you’re worried about your subscriber numbers. Way to show how out of touch the fucking lot of you are. All of you have resources, money, and a subscriber base that regular people could only dream of and I’m supposed to be worried about your subscriber numbers? Fuck all the way off, the lot of you.

  • Before you put any faith in our judicial system to do the right thing, remember that Trump can and will immediately appeal any ruling.

    • To the Supreme Court.
    • Who already ruled Trump is all but immune from prosecution.
    • Who also already ruled that official actions taken by Trump cannot be questioned, much less investigated.
    • Who also already ruled that official acts are what Trump says they are, unless they say otherwise.
    • Who also have already ruled that punishments couldn’t be applied anyway because they would interfere with the execution of his official duties.
    • Who also have already signaled that they are willing to sign onto the Unitary Executive Theory, essentially giving Trump whatever immunity that the original order didn’t grant.

    I’ll let you take all the time you need figuring out how well that’s gonna turn out. Go ahead. I’ll wait.