Haven’t they said that about magnetic tape as well?
Some 30 years ago?
Isn’t magnetic tape still around? Isn’t even IBM one of the major vendors?
Haven’t they said that about magnetic tape as well?
Some 30 years ago?
Isn’t magnetic tape still around? Isn’t even IBM one of the major vendors?
If you murder a murderer,
then you are a murderer murderer.
A murderer murderer is
still a murderer.
he explained he still had feelings for me and would love to still be friends.
although he’s bi, he’d only talk about hot men (especially fictional)
He’s trolling you. He’s making fun of you.
O.m.g. what a very bad guy.
I am sure he is talking about you to his other friends, and it is not exactly praise then.
Monte Carlo, during the F1 championchip race, at that one Hotel there with the best view.
If you want a recurring business model people have to have confidence you will keep your end of the bargain
I don’t think so.
You rather need confidence you will always stay so much more powerful than the “other side” that you will always be able to milk them. And maybe think about preparing your retirement in time.
statutes that protect […] people trying to cooperate with law enforcement,
I don’t know exactly about France, but such a concept is rare in Europe in general (except England), and even more so when it comes to possession of such materials.
In Germany, I know the tolerance is absolutely ZERO, and the excuses too. You can carry the material to the police to deliver it, and with that you have proven that you were in possession one second before (it is very different with illegal weapons btw.). Private investigators or journalists have tried to do reports about the topic, seriously and neutrally without any doubt, but got punished for possession then.
Always know the basic facts:
The kidnapper is a criminal.
The kidnapper decides his own actions, NOT YOU.
Besides that, in a situation where I could communicate with a kidnapper, I would try to use every single second of it to tell him all kinds of insults, the worst I could imagine.
That doesn’t count for this kind of crime.
It’s not even certain whether or not it applies at all for fediverse systems.
Better delete it in the same minute when you found it.
Probably should have given all of the evidence to the police instead of deleting some of it.
Or maybe not. …
In most western jurisdictions platform operators are not liable for user content
Around here, OP would then automatically be a suspect for possession of the material. Possession is a crime. And that is far from funny. Better have a very good lawyer from minute 1.
We care about the planet.
I think it is mostly used by AfroAmerican people, and i believe
Have you ever asked one of them about the meaning or purpose of that habit?
There was a civil war about it.
I know that. I don’t deny that. But what was the outcome of it? They have reunited with gritted teeth.
Memorials are a good thing to remember people, but not very meaningful for that what I have talked about.
Hail WOPR!
Usa has never tried to break with their own slavery/racism in the past. They have not admitted that it was wrong what they were doing, and that they will never do it again. Therefore it is still there and it remains strong.
Although there are many who frown on racism today, it is only on the surface, only a show.
It is like a law of nature: when you (as a people) have not learned from history, then you are bound to repeat it.
Better if you always carry a pocket lighter.
They are public knowlege. What do you even mean by “using” them?
You, there!!
Go back to work right now, or else you will feel the peaks!
Then you would be dead.