Me slow… I read all the words. Hence you can’t find anywhere I said Tesla was properly valued. I wasn’t whining about Tesla losing money. I don’t care. I said Tesla going to 0 wouldn’t hurt musk. You’ve said nothing to disprove that. Just gone on random rants. Again I never said I didn’t think Tesla was over valued. You clearly do and I never disagreed. You clearly need to read.
Also your valuation is still wrong hahaha. You thinking Tesla should be $12 and being able to prove that out with a fact pattern are two different things. I’m assuming here but I’m guessing you’ve need read a financial report, never done a dcf, have no idea how to model an investment and don’t know what PE ratios actually means. That can all be true and I can still believe Tesla is overvalued.
Valuation still wrong. You can’t throw random numbers together man. Good job sport nice try though! So smart… So so smart