Tell Hitler to focus on Operation Sea Lion and to leave Russia alone
Tell Hitler to focus on Operation Sea Lion and to leave Russia alone
This requirement is not new. In visa applications for visitors, you’re already required to list all your social media accounts.
22 Jump Street with the teasers for the next 20 sequels
I’m curious as an ex-Digger. Even if it’s corpo bullshit, better to see it first to have an opinion.
I left Digg V2 when it went to shit, to Reddit. Now that the same is happening to Reddit (fuck spez), interested to see what Digg Reboot would be like.
You’re reading this on Facebook? I’m not posting on FB. Fediverse is weird!
Occam’s Razor is right. Since Trump professes to be a businessman, he’ll always do what’s right for his wallet, even betraying any morals he may have had.
When these parents go to purgatory, I hope their long dead children greet them, “Why did you let me die?”, just before final judgment is passed.
King Charles should welcome him to a dungeon under the Tower of London.