• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • Don’t. Leave him in the past. You both still have feelings for each other, but that doesn’t mean it will work. It’s going to be like last time if not worse, because snowballing any issues from the first time into this hypothetical second time.

    You deserve better. Mental health issues and being a social media hermit are no excuses. He probably didn’t mean to hurt you but he did, and will keep doing so over and over again until YOU set some boundaries.

    Set those boundaries, send him away. This has nothing to do with your preference, just stay open and listen to what you want in terms of a partner. Beyond sex and gender you deserve to be treated fairly.

  • Tough one, hard to say how to protect myself against something I don’t understand how it works not even remotely. From your scenario I gather you ask for a method of recovery, not so much protection.

    Presuming this technology is relatively accessible but you can’t do anything to properly prevent someone else from tampering with your mind, my first thought would be to add to myself some sort of “panic shutdown” method, ie. some lethal substance that kills me as soon as someone attempts to do something to my memory, or maybe I can be the one triggering it- it could be something more rudimentary like always carrying with me a lethal pill or something. You get the idea.

    Now to recover my memory, that’s tricky. I don’t think there is a foolproof way of preserving memory that would work because whoever intervened in my mind could easily make me forget either where I stored my memories as well as any other relevant methods to verify they’re the real deal. I could say I’d have a buddy system in which I would rely on someone else to bring me back to my senses, but if the intervention also removed my trust in this person then that’s no use either.

  • I don’t have a precise answer to your post but I’d like to add my two cents - it’s not just USA. I’m born and raised in Argentina and moved to Australia when I was 19. Although there isn’t a black vs white dichotomy here, people are very, very conscious of skin shades. I still don’t get why they obsess over it.

    Just to illustrate, my skin/hair color is sort of like Monica Belucci’s. My eyes are green. In Argentina I was considered a brunette, period. Sure, there were lots of people a bit darker than me, and also lots of people more white, but I never felt like anyone cared. You’d only bring the topic when describing someone physically. In Australia? I’ve been referred to as “a person of color” so many times I lost count, and always by Aussies -even aussies who I would consider to be of a similar complexion to mine. Immigrants on the other hand, don’t seem to mind, no matter their own color. People here somehow find ways to make the skin tone and background matter, and I’m amazed at how some conversations end up touching the race topic gratuitously. It’s in their mindset. They can’t help themselves.

  • To add to this: I went to the doctor after a nerve injury and asked whether taking B supplements would help with recovery. She said "no, No, NO please don’t take any extra B supplements because your levels are already fine. I’ve seen enough patients come with unexplained burning, tingling and twitching sensations in their bodies and it’s always because they take B supplements unnecessarily. So don’t even think about it "

    So yes our bodies can filter a lot but even then it’s also possible to overdose. Doesn’t seem to be OPs case though.

  • Look, I’m not an expert so take this comment with a grain of salt, but in my understanding vitamins and minerals are stored slowly in the body. There is a limit as to how much you can absorb of anything at one time. Taking two tablets now is probably wasting good part if not all of the second tablet. If your deficiency could be solved faster by taking larger doses your doctor would have already recommended that one for you.

    I’d be thinking ways of making sure I remember: set up reminders, keep my pills in two or three places so I can access them immediately, trying to make a routine out of it (it’s hard I know), keeping track of it in a journal.

  • Context plays a huge factor here. Depends a lot on which country you’re being prosecuted, how much effort is people putting in catching you and gathering your evidence, and what kind of resources you can count with.

    Personally, I’m not too tech savvy so I’d take the bury it in the woods option even if you say it can get corroded. There’s many things that can happen to it, depending on the weather, environmental policies (cross your fingers they won’t be selling the land for development while you’re away), and what you can afford to store your drives in. I believe it’s possible to protect the cache well enough if you ziplock them carefully and then find a Tupperware container, perhaps put that inside a larger wooden box or a tin to protect against crushing you should be good. Hell you can even cover the Tupperware containers in cement so it would look like you are burying rocks. But, do you have access to these things? Do you have the time?

    Another option is to hide the cache similarly protected in some architectural nook you know of, perhaps at a friend or relative’s house- some places have space under houses. Or perhaps you know how to crawl in some wall space or similar. The challenge here is returning to it, because the landlord (your friend) may be gone, dead or else by the time you’re out. The property may be bulldozed and sold, who knows.