It’s not sad, but there’s a lot of anxiety inducing moments.
It’s not sad, but there’s a lot of anxiety inducing moments.
Mostly because all of that is a highly-confusing tangle. Food stamps are hilariously limited in most states, same with Medicaid. Section 8/HUD will almost always make sure you wind up living in the most run-down tenement your town has, run by the shittiest landlord, who will almost always be looking for a reason to evict you - and that even assumes you don’t have to wait literal years. The current wait time for Section 8 housing in my city is something like a year and a half.
There’s many that do, yes. My mother and stepfather are two such people. They’re willing to burn their own country down around them if it means that a few of “them” die first.
No no, it’ll make AMERICA (Trump’s America, the billionaire and multimillionaire class) wealthier. That’s what they want. The entire idea is to effectively crush whatever little middle class is left, and make the lower class dependent upon the whims of the aristocrats like him.
Basically, we’re rapidly sliding back towards feudalism, with us as the serfs.
Ahh, but you’re missing the bigger part of the equation: one of Trump’s first EOs this time was the requirement, by April 20, for the Pentagon to put together a recommendation on whether or not to utilize the Insurrection Act to declare martial law. I, and most others, are thinking this is purely a formality with the departmental purges - and once he’s done that, it hardly matters whether you like them invading Canada or not.
Now, THAT BEING SAID, the military already has a manpower issue, has for a decent while. I do not think we could effectively lock down a country the size of the US, or even the major metros on both coasts, AND fight a war of invasion. Even unofficially deputizing all the various militia types, AND bringing local/state PDs and Nat Guard under federal control, I don’t think they have enough.