Yup. That should do it. Taunting Canadians has worked so well so far. Keep it up.
Yup. That should do it. Taunting Canadians has worked so well so far. Keep it up.
I’d be willing to bet $1 that Trump is selling these exemptions to enrich himself.
I was just watching a panel discussion about Trump and the tariffs and had a thought. He’s started adding exemptions. He just added one for the automotive industry following discussions with the big three auto makers. What if the tariffs were a grift all along? What if he put the tariffs on to generate tax dollars that he can use to give billions of dollars to the wealthy but what if he’s double dipping and selling exemptions? Like, what if when he talked to the big three auto makers he said, “I’ll make an exemption to the tariffs for the auto industry if you give me $100 million”?
The Freedom Pigeon couldn’t even take down a sick Canada Goose.
I’ll post whatever the fuck I choose to post.
What does that have to do with my comment or with what she said?
Nice. We had one printer or another that required expensive ink cartridges before we got the Epson. I used to refill some cartridges but it was a pain. Now I just open a set of bottles and top up the tanks whenever it’s thirsty.
DA-2A works to a point
I have a 210 L drum of the stuff.
We do a fair amount of printing and run the print head cleaning routine on our printer every few weeks to keep it happy. We’ve had the ET-4550 for over 8 years and it’s still chugging along. If it ever needs a replacement print head it will not owe me a damned thing.
They do require maintenance to keep them running smoothly. I’m fairly mechanically and technically capable so I can disconnect the head and run DA-2A through the mechanism to clean it out.
Buy an Epson EcoTank printer. My family owns three. You pay more for the printer but just dump in bottles of ink when they need refilling.
My MPP, Steve Clark, orchestrated an 8 billion dollar graft to try to give wealthy Doug Ford donors an unearned benefit from the corrupt process for removing lands from the greenbelt then won a landslide in our riding. The voters here are so fucking right wing that he could BBQ and eat a baby on King Street in Brockville and they would still elect him.
The Liberals and NDP got 250,000 more votes than the Conservatives. Ontario is left wing with a right wing government.
Canadian federal elections don’t use voting machines. This is misinformation intended to spread doubt about our elections.
Uh…no…stop spreading bullshit. We mark our ballot by drawing an X in a circle on a small piece of paper using a stubby pencil. That piece of paper is then stuffed into a cardboard box. When the polls close the cardboard box is opened, the votes counted, and the results called in to Elections Canada. We know who won the election by midnight of the election.
Why are you spreading this absolute fucking nonsense?
Canada’s elections are extremely well run, safe, and secure. Anyone, like this person, who tries to tell you otherwise if either ignorant or a bad actor.
We vote by marking an X on a little piece of paper with a stubby pencil.
He’s handing out crumbs to dumb people while looting the province on behalf of his wealthy friends and donors but KaThLeEn WyNnE bAd!
I went to my local hospital on Friday and signed over my $200 Doug Ford vote buying cheque to the hospital foundation. That’s where my money should have gone, not to trying to buy my vote.
The only big strong tough man in the running is Singh.
Lack-of-virtue signalling.
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