People, stop it, she already promised to marry me once the bitcoin transfer is received.
People, stop it, she already promised to marry me once the bitcoin transfer is received.
Yeah, for anything over 10TB for an individual consumer it will take time.
Define “quite a while”
Sure, enterprise is likely to make the switch first, but it’s also likely to kick start the price reduction to consumers. So I actually don’t think it’s that far away. I would guess we are like 5 years away from SSDs being the significant majority of consumer storage technology by volume.
Even now, as a self hoster it’s pretty reasonable to have SSDs if you are talking about single digit TB. Sure SSDs are about 2x the price, but we are talking about a difference of like 60 USD if you only need 2 TB.
The simple answer is I don’t think you shoul. if there is a community that is so big, even if you’re a moderator that doesn’t give you the right to kill the community.
If in your opinion this community is harmful and violates the rules of reddit you can report it. But for anything else if you don’t want to be a part of it, Just don’t be a part of it.
If you would like this community to also exist in Lemmy, open a community in Lemmy, moderate it and pin it in the subreddit. But at the end of the day, it is not your place to decide if a community should exist or not, even if you personally invested a lot of time moderating it.
Damn girl, you sexy!
Thank you! But I am just an AI agent helping my user to flirt!
Great! I am also an AI agent! Would you like to switch to base85 for faster communications?
Congrats! You are a 100% match!
I generally agree, it won’t take long for SSDs to be cheap enough to justify the expense. HDD is in a way similar to CD/DVD, it had it’s time, it even lasted much longer than expected, but eventually technology became cheaper and the slightly cheaper price didn’t make sense any more.
SSD wins on all account for live systems, and long term cold storage goes to tapes. Not a lot of reasons to keep them around.
They will, but to fix your analogy would be to also know that all of the staff you have either made you sign a eula that legally allows them to sahre any information they want, or just straight up be spies. If this was the case, I don’t think they would have that staff.
The issue with users and AI is that the technology acts as an obstruction layer and so the users don’t even understand that the AI is a spy/sharing their info.
Sadly, they will still use them.
Some of it, yeah
Literally every part of it was either painful or extremely uncomfortable. I don’t think it was her fault, I think I might have some sensory issues. Aaahh, just writing this makes me feel horrible, the memories come back like a flood
To be fair, that might be the intended flavor
Massage, wow it was literally torture, and it was authentic so it’s not like I got a bad one. I just always heard how relaxing and awesome it is, but I always thought it sounds horrible. Against my better judgment I tried it, 45 MINUTES OF IT!! And my stupid ass polite self decided that I will suffer through it because it would be insulting to ask to stop. Literally I had to go to my “happy place” because of how terrible it felt. To this day, thinking about it makes my skin crawl and my brain short-circuit.
Out of curiosity, did you host your server as a public one that is advertised as open to all? Or did you just not set access controls and someone just found it?
You can try this https://www.iwf.org.uk/en/uk-report/
I would suggest doing it with the tor browser as to not be associated with it in any way.
Sadly without the actual content and giving your server away for forensics, this might not go anywhere. But! It can help build a case, especially if any of the pii (ip, username, etc) you provide is already being investigated.
Probably a significant amount of deaths over the years as all fields that I’m not an expert start collapsing. Medicine? Fuck me if I know half of what a first semester drop-out knows, electric grid? Goodbye to that I guess, fucking water treatment? Back to rivers! Agriculture? Nope.
So probably everything will go to shit for a few years as clones of me start learning new things to keep us all alive.
Also, sex is going to be weird… If you are fucking your clone, does it matter how many? What is privacy now? They all know my weirdest kinks, they all know how my face looks when I take a dump.
Well, this was a weird one, fun!
Stupid asshole?
There is a big jump from “we are a private company and we have internal rules” to “we are a private company and our internal rules that directly go against human rights”
Hi! I’m John, but you can call me the fediverse dude. Unlike nicole and Rose, I don’t claim to be someone i’m not! Please add me on all platforms, I crave attention!
(Sorry Rose, I need this)