It’s not absurd. It’s reality.
Sounds like I was correct, and there were more groups than just the Taliban that were listed anyway.
I wasn’t speaking “for” Muslims, I was pointing out the incongruence in Tate’s behavior and how that will clash with Muslim values and possibly extremists, made aware because he’s infamous.
No one talks about israeli oppression or bizarre jewish laws when speaking up against anti-sematism.
I wasn’t speaking up against Islamophobia. I was talking about how a recent convert to Islam, who is a horrible terrible human trafficker and rapist, is so bad that he may trigger the ire of extremists in the religion he joined TO SCAM PEOPLE via crypto. That’s why they were mentioned- as a comparison to Tate.
And I see Jewish hate often now that it’s cool to hate Israel, and Indian hate to a lesser degree. Further, you bringing up Jews and Indians - they are pretty classic groups many Muslims hate. So you’re entirely aware they indeed get criticism and that’s probably why you specifically mention them and not Christians. Seems racist of you.
“Hey, they have the right to live. Even though they are probably bombers, don’t harm them!” Tired of this bs
I wasn’t talking about rights. You’re tired of BS you’re inventing to be upset about, maybe stop doing that.
You’re welcome to disregard the NYT link and see the other examples listed.
Define “sect.”
They literally do specifically name groups, I’ve posted this repeatedly, this is not 1 victim:
Such attacks or threats against women who failed to wear hijab, dress “modestly” or otherwise threaten traditional norms have been reported in Afghanistan.[111] In November 2008, extremists subjected girls to acid attacks for attending school.
The attacks appeared to be the work of the Taliban, the fundamentalist movement that is battling the government and the American-led coalition. Banning girls from school was one of the most notorious symbols of the Taliban’s rule before they were ousted from power in November 2001.
The Levant
In 1983, acid attacks were reported to be carried out by Mujama al-Islamiya against men and women who spoke out against the Mujama in the Islamic University of Gaza.[123] Additional attacks by Mujama al-Islamiya were reported through 1986
During the First Intifada, Hamas and other Islamist factions conducted an organized intimidation of women to dress “modestly” or wear the hijab. Circulars were distributed specifying proper modest dress and behavior. Women who did not conform to these expectations, or to “morality expectations” of secular factions, were vulnerable to attacks which included pouring acid on their bodies, rock pelting, threats, and even rape.[125][123][126] B’Tselem has also documented additional attacks with acid in specific attacks involving women in a collaboration context.
In 2006–07, as part of a wider campaign to enforce Islamist moral conduct, the al-Qaida affiliated “Suyuf al-Haq” (Swords of Righteousness) claimed to have thrown acid on the faces of “immodestly” dressed woman in Gaza as well as engaging in intimidation via threats.
OK, so the reading comprehension thing was projection on your part. I’m saying here that Islam expects women to reject premarital sex and human trafficking, so they won’t be punished for performing to expectations by saying no to these things (which are not allowed in Islam and not okay with pretty much any Islamic person) - but Tate does this and is a recent convert to Islam. This defies Islamic teaching.
Tell me - do YOU think Tate is a good Muslim? Does he represent Muslim values?