What’s wrong with Jerboa? Probably the only app I’d use for Lemmy.
What’s wrong with Jerboa? Probably the only app I’d use for Lemmy.
What’s the issue with Jerboa? It’s like Relay it’s probably the best one out there.
Yeh don’t choose that one, just sign up on desktop and use Jerboa ngl the reason techbros win is most normies do not want agency, they want to turn their brain off and scroll whatever the algorithm serves up as they do.
Technology Connections made a good video on this recently but I fear his plea will fall on deaf ears.
Just like this article, no one’s actually denying anyone the fediverse, we are literally right here.
Yes, marketing analytics software dev company I work for paid up. As far as I know so did our competition, the data is simply far too valuable, there’s no substitute there.
Honestly pretty sure not many people used 3rd party apps to begin with so I don’t think it was to do with any of that like the other strangely confident commenters seem to imply.
The blob strikes again
I only browse by subscribed and I have half of Lemmy banned ngl I hate algorithmic feeds and corpo social media in general I don’t use it, I don’t see any ads online ever, and I’m often shocked by their quantity outside, I don’t know how others just do only algorithms like it’s nothing.
I think we’re just talking past each other, because a lifelong pursuit of science and learning is ambition all the same to me. Finding that and sticking to it is “success” as much as anything, even if you don’t seek field-wide accomplishments.
For me it’s the same thing, though I’ve not been able to commit to anything specific, and I would like to be accomplished enough to be recognized at least in some way one day, even if it’s only by peers in my field, I consider it a desire for quasi-immortality, to leave some sort of record behind.
No, I never said fame is the only thing worth pursuing or that it is even the most important or common. I would put scientific, medical, artistic or civic/political achievement before fame.
Sometimes having goals that are easier to reach can make you more happy.
See that I can understand, obviously I’m a no one from bumfuck nowhere, I’ll settle for living comfortably, having friends, a partner, a successful career and free time, and I think I can make peace with that.
But it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t throw it all away if I could swap to being an adored millionaire celebrity living in a mansion in Hollywood.
I do have the ambition, I’m just being realistic.
On the other hand:
And yes, there are many people who don’t have huge ambitions and that’s ok.
This I don’t understand. Of course it’s okay you numpty, I never said otherwise, I just said I don’t understand why or how this comes about, so if you’re one of those people I’d like to hear about your experiences and why you are the way you are.
I can’t imagine such a lack of ambition honestly.
That should still apply then.
Uh, Yeah? Who tf wouldn’t lol. To be loved and adored by millions, to earn millions from that, it defies comprehension that some even have it that good.
When I had a YT of like 2k subs and had an OF thing going, I had weird dudes who spammed me their life stories in insta dms day in and day out, I admit - not the most pleasant interaction - it was still a helluva an ego boost.
Fame is generally an amazing thing desired by damn near everyone. You ever seen the kind of crazy shit people do for 5 seconds of it on TV? I could never, but maybe that’s my loss.
Awe poor them, maybe they can cry into their fat wads of cash.
May they soothe the pain of something as awful and totally undesirable as fame. /s
I’m sure amidst the crazy house prices you can borrow enough against any paid-off home for a downpayment on somewhere else or money on anything you want. Idk how it works in the US which you seem to be from.
Nah, my life is massively better in every way and seems to have no signs of stopping. I was a broke student with an uncertain future, reliant on an increasingly hostile family back home just for a chance at a future, but I pretty much just expected to die in the next 6 months ever since I turned 18.
Now thanks to COVID I was able to graduate, get a masters, get a visa sponsored job, WFH, be promoted, transition fully, including get SRS through public healthcare which seemed like a pipedream to me before, got my ADHD medicated, saved enough money to move to a better city renting in a nice 1 bed flat all to myself, am food secure and can even afford some nice things once in a while, I got a gf I love and am surrounded by friends. I spend my free time pursuing my many hobbies and passions such as making music, reading history, politics and philosophical works and practicing pentesting.
There is no denying that for all intents and purposes we live in hell, every ideal I’ve ever had for the world, every value philosophical and political has been trumpled, moved away from or reduced to absurdity by the elite capitalists and their government and media lapdogs and I have no real faith in much of anything anymore.
I will never own a home, and I have no idea how or if I’ll be able to retire in any way, and I have no real safety net, I’m one bad day away from homelessness and starvation and death and there’s no real way to fix that, and for every day I’m okay, I’m forced to watch others suffer the fate I so narrowly avoided through much luck and a sprinkle of resilience.
And yeah I’m sometimes nostalgic at times for some eras of memes and media, but I certainly would be an ignorant fool to in any way claim my life is worse now than ever before.
I’m living very literally what I used to not even let myself dream of before, because I thought it’d be too cruel to inevitably be let down by reality.
I guess Israel slaughtered enough innocent Palestinians that it could be true.
This, don’t interact with your classmates or co-workers unless it’s strictly necessary and business-related is what I’ve learned. Everybody has their cliques and communities outside of these spaces. It’s as unacceptable as approaching people on the street and could constitute harassment. As a neurodivergent person this boggles my mind because the neurotypicals always talk about community and whatnot and socializing and approaching people but all of this is just one of their bizarre contradictions, they don’t actually want to connect with other random human beings, they only want to talk about how they can’t.
Same, the irrational hatred of AI some peeps have is just crazy
Is fox news “social media” though?