Tbf hatchbacks take up the same amount of space but have better cargo capacity. Best of both worlds. I love that I can toss my ebike and lots of camping gear in my tiny Bolt and take it camping. Not possible in a sedan.
Tbf hatchbacks take up the same amount of space but have better cargo capacity. Best of both worlds. I love that I can toss my ebike and lots of camping gear in my tiny Bolt and take it camping. Not possible in a sedan.
A recruiter cold called me. I’m usually pretty rude to cold callers, so I played hardball out of the gate and I managed to get a $30k raise vs my current position.
Join a Buy Nothing group. If someone asks for something that you have, and you haven’t used it in a while, give it away! You can always ask for another to keep or borrow if you have a need for it in the future.
You hit the nail on the head. Compliance and legal obligations for security and storage are a constantly moving target, so there’s always a lot to adjust alongside the day to day management.
Pork butt roast and sauerkraut. It’s a traditional Pennsylvania Dutch recipe meant to bring good luck and fortune to the household on New Years. You simply season a pork butt with salt and pepper and put it in the slow cooker with a large container of saurkraut and cook on low til it shreds. Served with mashed potatoes, peas, and pork gravy. Guaranteed to give you a food coma.
For appetizers, I love beet-pickled eggs. It’s essential to pickle them for 24+ hours to ensure the pink fully penetrates the egg white.
There’s an outdoor cabinet in my neighborhood that is used as a food bank. I fill it to the brim weekly with shelf-stable food. I was formerly homeless and know what it’s like to go hungry, and I work hard to ensure that no one in my neighborhood has to go to bed hungry.
Microsoft 365 Administrator, $130k USD. I only have an Associate’s degree but I have over a decade of experience in the field. Most of my day is spent coordinating with cybersecurity, compliance, and lawyers to ensure our data practices are sound. It’s a constantly-moving target.
Exactly this. I would be ecstatic if my employer paid for my cert tests. I pay for them myself and study on my own time, then leverage them during annual reviews to show why I deserve promotions and raises.
For context, I went from homeless to six figures because of this kind of hustle. If you want to just tread water then do so, otherwise you need to put in the work on your own time.
I agree. A person can wish their ex the best, but cutting contact altogether is typically the best path. Some folks are able to make it work to keep a friendship, but those seem to be outliers.
That’s gonna be tough when he gets rid of all of the park rangers.
What are your long-term goals in terms of career, retirement, etc? Does the current company fall in line with those goals?
Your outsourced IT provider charges for simple configuration changes? That’s a yikes from me. I worked in MSPs for years and those sort of changes were always covered in the standard contract.
It’s no different than controlling add-ons via GPO like we did in the old days of on-prem. No extra cost associated.
I’m glad I was born, if for no other reason than being able to lay my father to rest. He was a good man. I do enjoy life, though, and I work hard to ensure that the world is better because I’m in it.
I chose to not have children of my own because I personally could not give them the life a child deserves, but I admire my friends who did have children and are raising them into kind, compassionate people - The world will belong to their generation someday, afterall.
Mississippi pot roast. It’s my first time making it and my mind is kinda blown at how simple and tasty it is.
What’s been keeping me going for 20 years is VR. I truly believe we’ll see full-dive VR in the next 30 years. I’ve been watching the progress for decades and the progress is staggering if you look at the big picture. Someday I’ll be able to plug into a fantasy universe fully and slay dragons and have epic fantasy adventures. That’s worth holding out for.
Bartender’s Friend or Pink Stuff should take it right off.
Intune can manage Firefox add-ons btw, no need to use any extra systems.
I was in IT management for a decade. Plenty of my former employees or coworkers still come to me for help when they’re job hunting, and I hook them up. That’s the purpose of networking and it’s standard business practice.
Ani DiFranco put it well. “God forbid you be an ugly girl, 'course too pretty is also your doom, 'cause everyone harbors a secret hatred for the prettiest girl in the room.”