he/him | a loser | kingthrillgore.name

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2021


  • My link for this was deleted. Huh. I didn’t see this earier.

    Anyways I think this is a dangerous chilling effect and reddit has a terrible track record for not using this as intended, so I can only expect Reddit Admins to use this beyond warning, I expect bans and this used in warrants/NSLs quickly.

    Stop using reddit, stop going to reddit. And bring everyone you can to Lemmy. I want to be able to cut out my city subreddits like /r/Denver like a clean shit.

  • The late 80s saw the first introduction of the DAW and MIDI’s abundance in the studio. before we reached the normalization curve of the technology, the slop it would lead to, and the shift towards to the era of graduate hip hop producers flooding the industry, the creatives had mastered both as a way to simplify to expand on their sound and production style.

    Video games were constrained by the limitations of processing power and costs prohibiting access to 3D and Vector math. As the RISC derivatives like MIPS and PowerPC took over and fab costs dropped, so did the restrictions of basic linear math graphics. PCM audio was one of the first spaces to be given full hardware access as the costs for DSPs dropped and unified pipelines appeared in operating systems and hardware.