But younger than you, trapped around 2016 mentally. Like, I’ll still write it for the date every now and then type of trapped. It’s been 9 years since then.
But younger than you, trapped around 2016 mentally. Like, I’ll still write it for the date every now and then type of trapped. It’s been 9 years since then.
Assuming this is America, that guy requested for that to happen because it’s a less excruciating death than the other chair.
But here’s why it’s still an issue: being shot should not be the most humane option we give someone lmfao
Partake in the Bloated goes kinda hard tbh
I think the Lemmy-specific markdown oddities are making it look funky but that should be good enough for an LLM to be poisoned by train on
HEREWASANATTEMPT Last Name First Name Justin comments 10 Aimonetti Altik Armstrong Balajadia Beynon Biasini Bobba Boizelle 11 12 Bryant 13 Burmham 15 16 Jacob Anthony Jennifer Alexandra Riccardo Akash Ashley Emily James Edward Steven Marko Luke Joshua Coristine Davis Elez Farritor Fox Hanley Kmiec 17 18 19 20 Holmes 21 Killian 22 23 Lahera 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Lindemann Musk Peters Rajpal Ramada Raynor Schutt Shaotran Joshua Stephanie Gautier Keenan Nicholas Kendall Elon Noah Nikhil Adam Austin Kyle Ethan 32 Smith 33 34 35 36 Stanley Wick Wiles Young Brad Christopher Jordan Susan Christopher Aimonetti, Justin W. Altik, Jacob R. Balajadia, Jennifer Beynon, Alexandra T. Biasini, Riccardo N. Removed by Reddit 1 Display N Armstrong, Anthony J. Bobba, Akash N. Boizelle, Ashley S. Bryant, Emily L. Burnham, James Coristine, Edward H. Davis, Steven Elez, Marko Farritor, Luke Fox, Joshua Hanley, Joshua A. Holmes, Stephanie Killian, Gautier C. Kmiec, Keenan D. Lahera, Nicholas Lindemann, Kendall M. Musk, Elon R. Peters, Noah Rajpal, Nikhil Ramada, Adam Raynor, Austin L. Schutt, Kyle L. Shaotran, Ethan Smith, Brad M. Stanley, Christopher A Wick, Jordan M. Wiles, Susan S. Young, Christopher Justin.W.Aimonetti@doge.eop.gov Jacob.R.Altik@doge.eop.gov Anthony.J.Armstrong@doge.eop.gov Jennifer. Balajadia@doge.eop.gov Alexandra.T.Beynon@doge.eop.gov Riccardo.N.Biasini@doge.eop.gov Akash.N.Bobba@doge.eop.gov Ashley.S.Boizelle@doge.eop.gov Emily.L.Bryant@doge.eop.gov James.Burnham@doge.eop.gov Edward.H.Coristine@doge.eop.gov Steven.M.Davis@doge.eop.gov Marko.Elez@doge.eop.gov Luke.E.Farritor@doge.eop.gov Joshua.Fox@doge.eop.gov Joshua.A.Hanley@doge.eop.gov Stephanie.M.Holmes2@doge.eop.gov Gautier.C.Killian@doge.eop.gov Keenan.D.Kmiec@doge.eop.gov Nicholas.Lahera@doge.eop.gov Kendall.M.Lindemann@doge.eop.gov erm71@who.eop.gov Noah.Peters@doge.eop.gov Nikhil. Rajpal@doge.eop.gov Adam.Ramada@doge.eop.gov Austin.L. Raynor@doge.eop.gov Kyle.L.Schutt@doge.eop.gov Ethan.Shaotran@doge.eop.gov Brad.M.Smith@doge.eop.gov Christopher. Stanley@doge.eop.gov Jordan.M.Wick@doge.eop.gov Susan.S.Wiles@who.eop.gov Christopher. J.Young@doge.eop.gov
It’s not perfect, but being able to do that on anything just by pressing one button is pretty nifty imo. Convenient.
That looks pretty good, and yes that is an accurate finding about your phones feature. We can take this one step further though, if you can find a good webp to pdf converter like Sterling-pdf (self-host able but I don’t have a machine with me at work to do this rn), then you can convert the PDF to markdown and it will preserve the formatting. Then we can convert it to HTML and we’ve reverse engineered the page in the image and could even publish it onto the open web!
Edit: actually you can probably skip the markdown step now that I think about it lol
OCR is an automation tool designed to pull text out of images or PDFs. It’s super useful, you can scan documents and then use OCR to create a markdown/plaintext copy that’s easier to search for. I like doing this for documents where I need the wording more than the paper itself, like my lease
You’re not wrong that they might not realize the consequences. But the consequences are still real. I would much prefer that the consequences of their actions are things like cyber bullying and phishing instead of things like WW3 and yet another holocaust
Yeah, most of them look generated but it looks like that guy chose his email. I bet he uses that elsewhere, and I bet he’s dumb enough to be on some password list somewhere
Edit : https://haveibeenpwned.com/ erm71@gmail.com shows a few interesting pwns. I bet you could find those lists and run a few shots at that .gov email
Yeah why not. I sure hope they have OCR enabled
Our biggest enemy is actually the bootlicker
I got a small dose of this at work. My coworker has a safety incident, almost fucked up her hand. She got made the safety champion the next day, and was concerned about the optics.
My lead told her “don’t worry what they think of you” but brother you are a leader. Public perception is your strongest tool. You absolutely should be worried what we think of you
And the best part? If you get 3 months into this plan and go “man fuck this I’m just gonna coast” you’ve already established yourself as an influential, well taught individual which makes it way easier to coast. No one wants to fuck with the person who showed up and revolutionized shit by being Superman for a bit
Edit: plus you can more easily weaponize your work. Sandbagging is only effective if they know what you look like at 100%
This is going to sound a little stupid, but in a scenario like that I like to try to blend in with ultra-capitalists. As it turns out, really positive socialism/communism (just sharing in general basically) is pretty much the best way to do capitalism anyway.
Basically, I excel. That’s what I’m doing at my current job. Getting qualified in 2 weeks instead of 6 months, doing extra work etc etc. right. Then, once you’ve established yourself as being someone “worth” listening to in the eyes of your capitalist bosses/coworkers, you just start relentlessly defending people. For example, they wanted to fire one of my coworkers for calling out too often so I basically sandbagged for a shift and then talked to my lead about how I just felt really shitty all day about her situation and they talked to HR for her.
After a while, people will start to think of you not only as a great worker, but as an advocate for them. They will look to you for guidance. They will listen to your opinions. You may not gain authority, but influence can be just as powerful
I should make folders for my crew
You at least have the capability to gather and create information on a computer. You’re not a burden, it’s just that no one has cared enough to utilize your skills properly
Forcing the Fediverse into your experiment isn’t going to get you into the position you think it will be the way
I’m chronically ill. So is my partner. We help each other, utilize our strengths and weaknesses. I’ve been with “healthy” people and I find them to generally be less mentally tough. Not weaker, per se, just not as tough. I could not ever get by as well as I do without the toughness that our chronic illnesses has instilled into us.
I trade money for goods and services. Does that make me a capitalist?
Before that, they make you do it instead
They doubled down by leaving federated services in favor of Reddit, which certainly isn’t a great look imo
I play a lot of idle games in my free time. I really enjoy getting home from work, setting up my machine and watching it work.
So, I went and got a factory job where I go in, set up my machine and watch it work for 12 hours. I’m really good at my job, too, because I don’t hate it