well the dodger dog is the superior hot dog. raw white onion, pickle relish, ketchup, mustard. perfection
well the dodger dog is the superior hot dog. raw white onion, pickle relish, ketchup, mustard. perfection
this is really a big part of it. folks who have “pre-monday” dread are dreading something and I feel like we all owe it to ourselves to find a way to work that we don’t dread.
Ikigai, the Japanese philosophy, sums up a good way to try to think about this.
OP if you’re reading this, I feel you, I’ve been thinking about beginnings/endings/time remaining since I was a little kid and its a fuckin curse, frankly.
As a few people have mentioned, mindfullness is a good thing to learn a bit about and to try to “do” basically every day if you can remember.
You dont need to sit listening to a person who’s doing the “spiritually tuned in reassuring relaxing voice” that mindfulness people make the mistake of doing.
If you stop, put your feet firmly on the ground and feel the floor under your feet (rock your weight up to your toes and back to your heels and really feel the solid quality of the ground for just a sec) thats called ‘grounding’ typically, then take one slow (5 secs or so in and another 5 out) diaphagramatic breath (breathe down and into your belly, not the chest, your belly button should go out instead of your breastbone) and thats it. you’ll now remember whatever youre looking at the next day instead of just going through the motions of your weekend free time.
things end and death is coming for all of us, but not now, and thats worth checking in to
I can’t believe they slammed the Trump administration!! Bravo on the slam!
you just outgrew it. same shit, different words of the day
yes…why cant dials
we have a decent quality induction range and electric stove and we’d never bother considering to go back to gas
am I blind or is there no Ireland representation anywhere
Ok i was confusing a chicago dog with something else… that looks pretty wild.
just to say though, a dodger dog is my preferred way of topping a hot dog, its interesting that you just think of it as normal