BO and dynetics proposals also weren’t great. The path to reusability was really fishy.
BO and dynetics proposals also weren’t great. The path to reusability was really fishy.
Is the study of bacteria called something else? I guess just germ theory.
C5 Galaxy big Jets? Private jet sized Lear Jets? 737 type refueler jets?
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
It technically only says all parties will take what actions they deem necessary after an attack. Which could just be sending weapons similar to what they’ve been doing. The power of NATO comes from the military integration and economic mixing such that the incentives are aligned for one country to defend the others, not just the words on the page of the treaty.
What type of aircraft were they? Did you see them?
But getting the precision shape to grind in can be hard. There was something about dripping liquid glass just right, but that may have been professional espionage to throw people off.
People don’t poop in their drinking water, it’s an improvement.
Germ theory was around for a long time before it was adopted because no one believed it.
If you can research how to make the original microscopes, bringing an understanding of virology would be hugely impactful.
Just the last step of the kill chain. So you’re not counting all the enables in the previous study m steps of the chain
As I understand it, profit is price minus costs. Profit margin is the percentage of the cost that is profit. So I don’t see how they’re getting more profit out than the total price? Are they counting extra value from selling or training on the prompt data?
He referred to the whole legundarium as growing from a single small idea. I don’t know if we know what it was, but it started that way.
Do you have charge/discharge voltage curves for each? I’d imagine if they look practically identical it’d be fine. The issue I think is that the curves for LFP are a lot flatter than NMC.
Shrinkage while drying may be tricky. You can get all sorts of nasty stresses and irregularities depending on how much it shrinks while drying. Some metal 3d printing has mild shrinkage and gets around it somewhat with massive computations so it shrinks into the right shape, but I don’t know how accurate that is.
Which isn’t as good as them giving it directly, since Ukraine was already receiving the interest from these assets.
It’s infuriating when a light turns red while only a few of the cars have gone though, makes sense a more intelligent algorithm would be more efficient.
Hmm I haven’t had any issues with my university gmail, I wonder if it’s that specific college?
I saw a chart that globally, the incumbent parties have lost more in these elections than before.
I’d guess this is because things are going badly economically, so people wanted change.
I’ve had some mandatory training sites specifically disallow Firefox. But I’ve also had some that only work on Firefox, so it evens out.
Reminds me of this pic of Lincoln.