These are all on the same domain. I guarantee you they have extensive spam filters in place. “Flooding their inbox” will do nothing as the messages won’t even go to their inbox.
These are all on the same domain. I guarantee you they have extensive spam filters in place. “Flooding their inbox” will do nothing as the messages won’t even go to their inbox.
I don’t think OP understands this meme…
I wish I could learn to play the paint.
There is an odd feeling of power when you wear booties while walking on a rocky shore. Like you’re defying God by treading where man was not meant to. Even better if they’re sharp rocks.
People hate whenever Brave is mentioned… But when it comes to privacy, I have not regretted my decision to use it
Sword, bat, laser gun, wand. Not for using directly, but for throwing.
Anything that can be chucked at my opponents face gives me time to rush in and combo them.
One of my best friends was a dude from Philadelphia who was a republican who became friends with the mortal enemy of the republican party
He became friends with the concept of education?
So many words just to say “I’m a fascist piece of shit”
Hey you’re right, there isn’t a statute specifically about U-Haul crime! Of course, most people would recognize that the laws concerning the transportation of people without seats or seatbelts applies to ALL vehicles and only a completely disingenuous fuckwit would focus on the U-Haul part.
Another thing that only a disingenuous fuckwit would do is try to equate literal, flag-waving Nazis specifically trying to incite hatred and fear towards minorities with all other public gatherings. And pretty much all the examples you gave have a history of police breaking them up for precisely the reasons I listed, but the cops didn’t lift a finger here.
I don’t type this for you, because you already know you’re full of shit. I type this for anyone who reads the slop you drooled out onto the keyboard, pretending like you have a point instead of just being a worthless waste of oxygen.
Causing a disturbance? Public Nuisance? Disorderly Conduct? Transporting 30+ people in the back of an unsecured U-Haul? Take your pick, the cops certainly do.
You mean you don’t like eating half a tomato and a whole pickle along with your hot dog?