Queen HawlSera

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Right? I bring this up a lot, like it just seems to me like Gender Markers on IDs and on Bathroom Plaques that just seem like relics from a time period where the law treated men and women far more differently than it does now.

    Like, if bathroom stalls exist, why do bathrooms need to be segregated by gender?

  • Sadly I didn’t take that into account…

    Elon might have the world’s most kickable-dick, but his money spends just like anyone else’s. Only difference is he has a lot more of it, it’s his googolplex to our zilch and that’s not good. How’d he even get that rich, I know he had an Emerald Mine, but fuck was it a Chaos Emerald mine or some shit?

  • Let me be more specific.

    I think he will be kicked out of DOGE because of all the controversy and Trump’s own distaste for him. That between this and firing so many people who voted for Trump, Elon will become Persona Non Grata to the Right, pivot to the Left searching for some group willing to give him attention…

    And in doing so, he will finally come out as trans… and be mercilessly mocked by the Right over it.

    He will never find a group that accepts him (well her at this point), because we’ll still remember all the horrible things she did.

    And sort of find herself in the same kind of limbo Caitlyn Jenner is in where Nazis hate her because she’s trans, and Non-Nazis hate her because she’s transphobic.

    This is how I’m convinced Elon’s story will end. Just how I feel like this is going down.

  • Queen HawlSera@lemm.eetoTechnology@lemmy.worldNobody Wants a Nazi Electric Car
    5 days ago

    I guarantee that in a few months, mark my words, he will not be in DOGE anymore, he will pivot to the Left, and SHE will come out as trans.

    I would almost willingly put money on this.

    Edit: Not sure why I"m being downvoted on this, I’m not saying “Elon’s bad so he must secretly be a leftist.”

    I’m saying he’s transphobic in a “Methinks the Lady doeth protest too much way”, and that he has no loyalty to anyone or anything outside of what he thinks will get him attention. So if he is rejected by the Right, he’ll try to say he’s “Seen the light” and go to the Left.

  • its the studio execs pushing the inclusiveness, even the lgbq+ dont want it,

    I still cringe remembering the trailer for Q-Force…

    “You can’t pander to the gays, they can smell it, you’re like citibank at Pride”

    Was an actual line in the trailer.

    I always thought it was bold of them to include the reaction of the janitor who was taking out the trash whilst overhearing the pitch…

    I have friends from all over the political spectrum, I’ve made a pyrrhic victory, a few of the right-leaning ones actually suddenly support trans rights now that the Republicans are basically treating us like Jews in Germany… the Pyrrhic part was it taking Iowa removing all civil rights from transpeople before they believed me that transpeople were the victims, not the perpatrators.

    One of them ranted and raved to me about how “LGBT People wouldn’t be in this mess if they hadn’t demanded Hollywood force in all these terrible woke characters into everything!”

    I had to explain to him the concept of Rainbow Capitalism and that we hated it to… He didn’t believe me until I gave him a link of Brendan Rogers mocking the shit out of it as his Bryce Tankthrust character… which I only recently learned was named Bryce Tankthrust, really thought it was Bryce Taintthrust this whole time.

  • Right? Behavior created David King, he’s their character, if they wanna say he’s actually a time traveling alien from the future with a singing prehinsle dick, that’s their creative decision. Don’t like it? Don’t fucking play the game. Wanna play the game anyway because it’s fun? Then play it for the game and keep your mouth shut about the story.

    The only reason I’m against changing pre-existing characters is because when I see a Superman movie, there’s an expectation of who Superman is going into it. If the movie fails to meet this expectation, than the movie sucks. (You bet your ass I hate Man of Steel)

    With DBD, the way I see it, they only have the responsibility to meet my expectations for the licensed characters. For their own people they can do whatever the fuck I want.

    What I hate about “BHVR IS DEI!!111” complaints is that they aren’t consistent. I’ve heard people claim “X Characters is bad because she isn’t sexy enough” and then later “Y Character is bad because she’s too sexy, and therefore the self-insert of a developer.” Like, which is it? Is it bad because you have an erection or is it because because you can’t masturbate to a game that is more focused on making you afraid than aroused?