someone try “enslave the poor” and see what happens.
someone try “enslave the poor” and see what happens.
so…court jester?
I’m confused.
how is pollution an issue?
true as that may be, not filing the appropriate paperwork for 6800 cars is likely going to be a problem.
example: Capone was taken down for tax evasion.
I just replaced my tplink with an opnsense and was able to see the wan logs. it’s legitimately frightening to see an increase in probes/attacks.
I used to have a problem with suppositories, but now I use Rectix!
I had no idea that Gitlab was Ukrainian.
makes sense why it “just fucking works”, unlike github.
do you know why?
because that’s what happens when you’re a fucking leader.
as a leader when you fuck up, they suffer. as a leader when they suffer, you suffer. as a leader you do everything within your power to give them a chance.
Joe did none of those. he ran. he ran away, pardoned his friends and family. he left us to suffer here in Magastan.
and for that, fuck Joe Biden. Fuck democrats. I’m done with all of them. know why? because I’ll never get a chance to vote in another presidential election again.
aaaaaaand blocked.
I’m surprised you got that far in the comic since you failed to read what I said.
so yes…but no…but also yes.
Obama was great. he actually did shit and got shit done.
had we had him over Biden, I guarantee we wouldn’t be going through this shit.
know why? because he’s not 82 fucking years old.
hold up, musk stole the election for Trump. I thought we all agreed that is what really happened.
I don’t disagree though, those that even supported Trump are the problem.
but the comic was pointed at Biden, which I partially agree with.
Democrats completely dropped the ball. not once. not twice. but for over a decade, every turn they took was steeped in corruption and backroom deals just to stay in power so they could keep making money.
so yeah, I’ll stand by what I said. Fuck Joe Biden and fuck anyone who thinks he doesn’t have any blame in this shitty place we find ourselves in. fuck Donald Trump. fuck magastani terrorists.
but I’m not.
Joe Biden failed to protect us from Trump by failing to pressure the DOJ to speed it up.
Joe was a good president, who did good things-- but his legacy is forever tainted by his administrations failure to act.
Joe, his administration, and the Democratic party failed Americans.
they must be lacktoes intalarant.
and that’s why I left all my 360 games on top of the TV all these years. we rotate them out as coasters just to make sure they’re still getting used.