I hear Reddit logs a backup of your last comments edit, so maybe run it twice
biting the fart bubbles in the bathtub
I hear Reddit logs a backup of your last comments edit, so maybe run it twice
We used to have a teak bath mat, but it wasn’t that comfortable.
Computers are what we’d get if Epimetheus stole something from the gods for us instead
Everyone related to that.
Damn. You know your stuff well enough that I’m not going to waste your time doing a bit. It was probably funnier in my head anyway.
You didn’t mention compartmentalization. 🤔
Sus tbh
Fuckerrrrrrrrrrr arghhh
Imagine rolling into the ancient Egyptian afterlife with a billion tonnes of mouldering refuse. The pharaohs wouldn’t know what hit em
Raves still exist? Damn
Very meh
Adding these to our list! I might have to cut a day out from somewhere else in our itinerary, I’m getting more excited about Bruges than Paris.
I had a hard time staying sane trying to see them as actual American politicians. When you let yourself see them as fifth columnists hell-bent on ending America, reality starts to feel way more coherent.
Thank you! I’ve marked everything. My little one and wife will be particularly thrilled with the chocolate museum. For me, it’s got to be the beer factory tour. Glad to have some insider tips, it’s our first time to Belgium and we don’t get enough chances to travel.
I ask for a crumb and I get a feast! I have marked everything on my map, with thanks.
I didn’t have any detailed plans yet. Our journey will begin in Paris, and from there we were hoping to see Keukenhof for a day while it’s in bloom, and then to Bruges to finish. We do have a six year old though, so we have to pace ourselves and be a bit thoughtful about his limitations. I saw the chocolate museum of course, but anything you know of that would interest a typical exuberant young one would be very welcome - he does best with cheap thrills, and if a bit low-minded, all the better.
As for me, I am most excited about the prospect of hostels, river boats, and good beer in local styles. I will make a point to spend some time at Verdriet van België in particular.
Oh, word? Was going to visit this April, recommend me your fav spots
Time for Europe to step in. They saw this coming anyway.
You love to see a business learn to fail faster.
Having found a strong and lasting romance, this isn’t even a question for me. I would never deprive my partner of what we’ve been lucky enough to make together. Obviously you never know what else might have been, but it would be madness to roll those dice again. Throwing away a happy life in hopes of higher highs? That sounds like the second act of a really tedious allegory.
All this to agree from another perspective with those who also said: You play the hand. Life is not “about” anything that happened to you, it’s about the choices you’ve made and what they meant.
Great. So the least we can do is remove our comments so Reddit gets less valuable to advertisers