I once installed pirated Counter Strike from a CD and got Hantaner.A
I once installed pirated Counter Strike from a CD and got Hantaner.A
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I’ve had that same razor for two years now. It’s my first DE razor and I feel no need to change/upgrade (apart from curiosity).
From now on you’ll have so much money to spend on nice soaps!
The originator of the term is the late Terry Davis, a paranoid schizophrenic and developer of TempleOS. He used to go on angry rants about “glow in the dark CIA niggers”, or glowies for short.
Why on earth are you eating kratom at work?
How does having an AI-chat feature in a browser diminish it’s quality? No one’s forced to use any feature.
How? Even though Lemmy has lots of commies, it has nothing inherently to do with communism.
Coffee creamer is bizarre. It makes everything you add it to taste sweet, oily and industrial yet it’s so popular in some cultures that it’s considered a no-brainer.
No, the correct answer is “No, it’s your duty as employer to provide me with the tools to do my work”.
No beed to start bluffing and making excuses when the other end is wrong from the start.
I don’t know why waterproofing phones became de facto standard. How often will that waterproofing actually come to use?