I might try to sell it to a coworker for cash.
I might try to sell it to a coworker for cash.
I’ve got a $25 Amazon gift card sitting around that I don’t know what to do with. My mother-in-law gave it to me for Xmas, and I don’t shop on Amazon.
Handbrake works.
I don’t have them. I have a facebook that I check every few weeks to make sure none of my family members have died, but that’s about it.
I still don’t understand why people want to come to this shithole country.
Nah, the police are not your friend.
Try using something like SearX.
They don’t want to. Stingray devices force a phone to fall back on 2G so they can spy on it.
What about the genocide of Native Americans and African Americans here?
You need to be careful throwing stones when you live in a glass house.
“Promoting violence”
I know. The two reactions when I tell people about that are usually either rage or amusement. I’m here now, so fuck Reddit.
Of course they don’t. They banned me 3 years ago for saying that if you have the chance, you should always punch a Nazi.
Maybe if enough republicans die, Texas will turn blue.
Those people who don’t want to think need to be doing manual labor that doesn’t require thought.
That explains it. Thanks.
I hear my voice echo in Discord chat with my friends sometimes. It sounds like fucking banjo music. 😑
All this could have been avoided if one guy had slightly better aim.
There used to be an IMSII detector app in F-Droid. No idea what happened to it.
No. Their religion was just a part of their character from the beginning. They didn’t have to “come out” as religious.
The very notion that someone has to “come out” as Christian is an absurdity. Christians aren’t a persecuted group, although they would like you to think they were. They want so badly to be the victims, but they’re really the oppressor.
Maybe don’t waste your money on organic food.