That’s the most accurate article on the subject I’ve read in years.
“check for violence” for any comments that contain the word “Luigi”.
This is gonna make Nintendo retro-garming discussions really awkward.
I try to learn the following sentences in the language of a country I go to if I don’t know anything at all about that language:
I find this quite enough to strike up a conversation in most of the world. When people don’t automatically switch to English - perhaps because they don’t know it well enough - then I try another “universal” language like Spanish or French (universal mostly because of past colonialism, sadly). That implies speaking those languages of course.
If the locals won’t speak English because of a prejudice against English (mostly French-speaking regions) I don’t even bother with the “I’m sorry…” bit. I just let them figure out by themselves that conversation is going to be difficult.
If the locals are anti-Americans - very common, and getting more and more common - I affect a British accent. I wouldn’t fool a Brit for a New York minute but I’m convincing enough for a non-native English speaker to avoid being associated with the US.
Twitter and Truth Social are two subtly different flavors of fascist excrement.
Not to mention the “Governor Trudeau” extra-dumb.
God I hate politics-by-Twitter. I’m appalled that the US is turning into a fascist country, but I’m even more appalled by how pathetic, puerile and trashy the US’ new fascist overlords are. At least Hitler dressed in Hugo Boss and made speeches that enthralled people: MAGA dresses like tramps, Steve Bannon-stylee and bullies other countries like kids on the playground.
Everybody loves an underdog who fights against someone everybody hates.
And Zelensky just went up 1000 karma points for the same reason: everybody hates the US now.
Not to every country in the world. Even Russia and North Korea would be well advised not to trust the US.
And not that egregiously as far as upcoming damages to the environment are concerned - which also affect the entire planet.
The US is now a threat to the entire world.
I’m from yesterday. When I was a kid in the 70’s, my tomorrow was the triumph of science, an evermore interconnected world of evermore educated people, the rule of individual rights and freedoms, the retreat of religion and magical thinking, fewer and fewer wars and the gradual end of poverty.
I’m very bitter today because somebody stole my future. But you can also argue that I, a man of yesterday, failed to shape the world of today too. We all failed, those of my generation.
If you’re a person of today, you need to work towards a better tomorrow right now. Because if you don’t, you’ll end up regretting not doing it later in life like I do.
Because the American culture has indocrinated Americans to put themselves first. Whoever has “me first” hard-coded in their personality tends to view everybody else as inferior, and tends to have an unwavering confidence in their own greatness.
I reckon Canadians should be required to visit Finland: there’s a country that also shares a huge border with a fickle and dangerous neighbor, but whose citizens are keenly aware of the danger and prepare themselves very thoroughly for the worst, to the point of paranoia.
You know what other leader was famous for throwing tantrums? Adolf Hitler.
Are we convinced the US is a Nazi country yet or is it still too soon?
If anybody should strip him of his citizenship, it’s the US.
I have no idea who Andrew Tate is. So I looked him up on Wikipedia, and he seems like the kind of awful person who would be a darling of the MAGAsphere.
Could someone explain to me why DeSantis doesn’t want him then?
Here is the tweet - if that’s not the most flagrant Trump bootlicking, I don’t know what is:
And here is the backpedal:
Believe what you will. I believe what I read.
Trump should be glad: he’s uniquely special because his special is the short bus kind.