Probably because utf-8 vs utf-16 vs utf-32 makes people feel like it is still annoying multi-standard.
Probably because utf-8 vs utf-16 vs utf-32 makes people feel like it is still annoying multi-standard.
Choosing not to vote was the worst option to choose both objectively, and morally.
Strictly speaking, assuming Democrats care about winning elections, it is not true.
Sure, you get the worst option for one or two terms, but you would hopefully force the Democratic party to reform and stop supporting Genocides in the long term.
This is why I hate when people try to shift the blame on voters. This was 100% the Democrats election to loose, and they did.
You can’t really change the voters, so what is the point of complaining about them? You can change the party to allow it to win the next time. Blaming the voters is just distracting from that.
You know, while I am a fan of choosing the lesser evil, when the “lesser evil” is genocide, maybe it is time to re-consider the approach.
“We don’t accept ideologically motivated changes” = White supremacist language… Yeah, sounds about like what I expected…